Journey Of Hope-Student Wellbeing

Dear Families,
As you know at Fitzroy Primary, our students’ wellbeing is our priority. Throughout 2023 we have a wellbeing program, Journey of Hope, running in school to support our students and help them develop positive coping strategies to deal with their emotions. The program delivery will take place in school, once a week, for 1 hour and is funded by the Federal Government for selected primary schools, who were most heavily impacted by COVID.
The Journey of Hope program:
1. Supports children in understanding and normalising emotions;
2. Supports children in developing positive coping strategies to deal with their emotions;
3. Builds on the innate strengths of children, their families, schools and communities to further develop positive coping mechanisms;
4. Instils a sense of hope, empowering children to feel more in control over stressors.
When children can cope with the world around them, they are far better able to learn.
Session 1: Introducing Journey of Hope – Creating Safety
| Session 5: Understanding and Coping – Anger and Aggression
Session 2: Understanding and Coping – Fear
| Session 6: Understanding and Coping – Bullying
Session 3: Understanding and Coping – Anxiety
| Session 7: Self-esteem and Taking Action – I Believe I Can
Session 4: Understanding and Coping – Sadness
| Session 8: Me, My Emotions and My Community
Who runs the program?
The program will be run by qualified facilitators Nora and Zoë from, 54 Reasons, part of the Save the Children group who you would have seen in school recently and you may know from Cubbies or Family Learning Club. 54reasons have over 100 years of experience working with children and families. They have received funding to run 8-week wellbeing programs in selected primary schools, who were most heavily impacted by COVID.
For your child or children to participate in the program, we will need caregivers and parents to give consent. The consent form will be made available to you by email, paper copy and through the parent morning teas held on Mondays. You can return the paper copy to the office or by email to
Please return the consent form as soon as possible so your child can participate in the program from Term 2 onwards.
If you would not like your child to participate in the Journey of Hope program, please contact your child’s teacher.
When will Journey of Hope run?
Term 1
- Grades 3/4 have participated in the program this term with one group of 5/6s
Term 2
- Grade 5/6 - the remaining 5/6 grades will participate
- Lorna’s Grade 1/2
Term 3
- Grades 1/2 remaining
- Preps
Parents and caregivers workshop
The program also offers a well-being component for parents and caregivers so they understand the Journey of Hope program and its objectives, have an opportunity to ask questions and contribute context to our delivery, and feel equipped to support their children as they progress through the eight-week curriculum.
Children’s well-being depends on the stability and well-being of their caregivers so supporting parents, caregivers and teachers in processing recent events, coping with current challenges and realising healthier futures strengthens their ability to care for children in their school and living environments.
We will advertise a time to join these sessions.
-Zoe & Nora