School Council

Welcome to our new School Council members for 2023.
Hamdi Ali arrived in Australia in the 1990s from Somali, East Africa. Since then he has been involved with, and runs a number of volunteer based community organisations and is enthusiastic about technology. He attended RMIT studying Computer/Network Engineering.
All of his children attended Fitzroy Primary School including his eldest son Mohamed who finished VCE in 2020. His daughter Ridwan was a FPS School Captain and is currently studying Year 12, planning to be a Medical Doctor.
Currently 2 of Hamdi's children are now at Fitzroy Primary, Anas and Radia.
This is not the first time he has been a member of School Council. Hamdi was a vice president a few years ago and is very excited coming back to the SC commitee. He would love to be a link for the families when needed. "It`s an exciting time for Fitzroy Primary School and the new growing school community, thanks to the hard work of the staff and the Principal"-Hamdi.
Hello! I’m Michelle and I’m delighted to be joining the school council. We (partner Brendan and I) have just recently joined the school community with our twin girls Gabriella and Abigail (Gabi & Abi) who have started in Foundation. There’s a lot about the school we already love, and we are looking forward to getting to know the school and families more. It’s my first time as a school parent so I have a lot to learn from more experienced parents & carers, I’m hoping to be able to contribute through School council in whatever way is needed to support our School across the next two years. In my other time I’m a Paediatrician and researcher, my research is mostly based in Papua New Guinea so I have the great joy of being able to travel to PNG a few times a year.
My daughter, Emi Rose, has just started in Foundation and I'm excited to have been elected onto the school council and be part of the wider school community. I'm a barrister and have been practicing law for over 10 years specialising in commercial litigation, defamation law, employment law, human rights law and migration law. In 2007, I co-founded the Human Rights Arts and Film Festival and co-directed it for 2 years, before becoming Chair of the Board until 2022. I'm looking forward to contributing to the school through the school council. I encourage any parent to contact me, Michelle or Hamdi if they would like us to raise anything on school council.