Dates To Remember

Week 9
Monday & Tuesday
Journey Of Hope
Monday & Tuesday
French Music School
Monday, Thursday & Friday
Beaver`s Tail lunch orders
Week 10
Monday & Tuesday
Journey Of Hope
Tuesday 4th April
Art Festival
Monday & Tuesday
French Music School
Monday & Thursday
Beaver`s Tail lunch orders
Thursday 6th April
Term 1 finishes-2:30pm
Looking Ahead
Term 2 Commences
Monday 24th April
Anzac Day public holiday
Tuesday 25th April
School Photos
Thursday 25th May
School Camp
grades 3&4
Wednesday 14th June - Friday 16th June
(3 days /2 nights)
grades 5&6
Tuesday 13th June - Friday 16th June
(4 days /3 nights)
2023 Term Dates
30th Jan-6th April
Term 2
24th April-23rd June
Term 3
10th July-15th September
Term 4
2nd October-20th December