
Clean Up Australia Day

Our Year 6 Sustainability Leaders  were joined by representatives from classes in Years 3-5 to undertake a clean up of Columbia Reserve.

Our team included: Patrick J, Phoebe J, Adele S, Ashley R, James D, Amelia BP, Dante G, Khiara S, Ted W, Sonny M, Eva C, Angelo G, Mason C, Julian D, Charleen F, Tristan A, and Mason W.

We walked the 15 min journey and spent approximately half an hour cleaning up any rubbish, and sorting it into recyclable and landfill. 

The students wore gloves supplied by the Clean Up Australia Day organisation, and others used tongs. We were amazed at the amount we collected and it raised some interesting questions about what could be recycled and what was destined for landfill. We will sort the contents next week and make some interesting observations and hopefully new understandings about recycling and waste.

On our way back to school, we noticed someone's residential garbage bin had fallen over and some of the contents had been discarded onto the ground. Our good deed for the day was to pick this up and place it back into the person's bin.


This weekend keep your ears and eyes open for other community clean up events.

Year 3 Kitchen Garden

The Year 3s enjoyed delicious French crepes today focusing on the influence that the French have had on our cuisine. Crepes are similar to pancakes, yet they are much thinner, and either rolled up or folded when eaten.


Our project, with a focus on sustainability, was to finish off our material Gobble monsters. This involved sewing - a new skill for many students. They stuffed their monsters with left over t-shirt material scraps and synthetic stuffing. Then their imaginations ran wild and they created the most individual, unique and wonderful creations. We are very pleased to share them in the following photos.


Thank you to everyone who has brought in empty punnets for our garden activity next week. We now have enough for everyone to use.