From the Principal 

We would like to acknowledge the original custodians of this land and waterways

and pay our respects to the Elders past and present and emerging, 

for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of Indigenous Australia.

High Expectations, Inclusivity, Students with a Voice, Excellence for All!


Outward Reaching Students - Tony's Cafe'

This term the Year 5 & 6 students have been taking turns in supporting the volunteers who work at the Parish's outreach program of Tony's Cafe.  Take away food packs are provided twice a week to those in need in our community, with donations from various food outlets across Melbourne. 


Our students help sort, pack and give out the food to those who come and collect it on their own behalf or for those who are reliant on this service.  Our students have taken on this volunteer work with great pride and empathy knowing that their service is for those who are in need and require the good will of others.  This gives our community great hope in knowing that the school is nurturing our students so that they can look out into the wider community and give something of themselves.  In the season of Lent this is true and significant almsgiving.

Lent and Reconciliation

As the Year 3 students prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, may we be reminded that Lent is the time for us all to reflect and reconcile wrong choices in our families, with our friends and with our colleagues.  Saying "Sorry!" is not always easy but has a huge impact on one's beliefs and respect towards others. 


The teachings of Jesus sets the example that forgiveness is a way of growing closer to God and to our inner selves. Through the Parable of the Prodigal's Son, we are reminded that mistakes are made but that forgiveness is a way of making a change to ourselves and in our relationships with self and those around us.


Grange Road Disruptions

During the period 19 March to 26 March 2023 Grange Rd will be closed where it  intersects with Lord St and Holywood Grove. That means access to the school grounds via Grange Rd will not be affected but traffic will be unable to travel down Grange Rd through that intersection. 


District  Swimming 

Congratulations to Fiona, (Yr 6) Hamilton (Yr 6), Julian (Yr 5), Eddie (Yr 4), Charlie D (Yr 4), Isaac (Yr 4) and Lachlan (Yr 4)  who represented our school at the District Swimming finals.  Your successes were measured by your efforts and companionship.


Lost Property

Over the last few weeks some staff have taken home and washed at least 50 school jackets in good condition that are unnamed and unclaimed.  Please we urge you to label clearly your child's clothing so that it can be identified and returned to its owner.  This clothing is now in the Second hand uniform shop at school.


St Anthony's Playgroup.

Please help spread the word about our St Anthony's playgroup. 

It commences on Wednesday 26th April, from 9am until 10.30am in our very own Library. 

Donations of preloved toys suitable for toddlers and preschool children will be greatly appreciated.


National Ride2School Day 

Friday 24 March is National Ride2School Day where everyone is encouraged to ride a bike or scooter or walk instead of being driven to school. Our Sports Captains will be promoting this event but seeing they will be in Camp the Years 3 & 4 students will help to give out stickers to the students as they arrive to school.  Hopefully our bike shed will be overflowing. 


Enrolments for 2024

We are accepting enrolments for 2024 with our last Open Day next Monday 20 March from 9.30am to 11.00am. Please continue to promote our school to those who are seeking primary schooling  in our area. School tours are available by appointment. Enrolment forms can be found on the website  

School Tours are available by appointment.


School Fees & Levies

Families are reminded that the first instalment for school fees was due to be paid by 3rd March 2023.  Thank you to the families who have made a payment.  Please contact the office if you would like to arrange a regular payment plan. Families with a concession card may be eligible for concessional fees. Please ask at the office for an application form. If you are having financial difficulties please contact me to discuss a payment plan.


Student Birthdays

All students' birthdays are acknowledged at assembly and in their classrooms. The school has no ojection to you bringing a small simple treat for the children in their classroom on their actual bithday. We ask you to be mindful that there are children with allergies and that the treat should be easily distributable by the classroom teacher at the end of the day.


An Irish Blessing

May love and laughter light your days, and warm your heart and home. May good and faithful friends be yours, wherever you may roam. May peace and plenty bless your world with joy that long endures. May all life’s passing seasons bring the best to you and yours!



Yours sincerely 

Margaret Carlei
