Visual Arts

Top Designs
Congratulations to former CHS student Evie Taylor-Constable for having her work 'Beachcomber Blues' selected for this year's Top Designs, which is currently showing at Melbourne Museum! Our VCE Media students were delighted to see one of their peers amongst such high quality showcase of excellence. Here is a still from Evie's work, head in to Top Designs to see it in full, details below.
Top Designs 2023 information
Dates: 25th March – 9th July 2023
Location: Melbourne Museum, 11 Nicholson St, Carlton VIC 3053
Price: Included with Museum entry.
Adult $15
Senior $10
Members, Students, Children and Concession $0
Link: Top Designs 2023 - Melbourne Museum (
Year 7
Year 7 Visual Arts students have been creating their Media projects for their Mis En Scene KLT.
And, Eden, Neko, Harriet and Lewis' animation!
Year 8
Year 8s have begun cutting and printing their lino cut prints for their Art KLT.
After they completed their prints they completed an evaluation, here is Nicks:
My final print.
I think it is mostly inked evenly except the middle part of the wing, the left part of the border and a little bit near the ear. When you have the print in hand you can also notice that parts around the border and animal are slightly over inked.
I used texture to make a rough jagged feel to the print by having sharp angles and pointy details. I also used texture to make some parts of the print feel smooth and curved. For example : The tail is curved and pointing upwards, the wings are also mostly smooth and curved slightly as they go down, which creates a more realistic look at least I think so.
I used shape to make the print look more 3D and realistic by having a line for the first leg to put the second leg in the background, I also did that for the ears and wings. I also used shape for the tail by making it thinner as it gets closer to the end.
I also used contrast to have the wings stand out by being completely black and the eyes being completely black makes them stand out more.
VCE Art Making and Exhibiting
The Science Gallery is part of a suite of gallery offerings including Buxton Contemporary, Ian Potter, and Percy Grainger Museum as part of the University of Melbourne's Cultural Commons initiative focusing on sharing their collections with students from upper primary to tertiary. The Science Gallery is part of a global network of science galleries around the world creating opportunities for research and collaboration between science and art.
For further details see here:
The Australian Centre for Contemporary Art is located in the Southbank Arts Precinct and commissions contemporary artists to create exhibitions in response to either a curatorial prompt or solo exhibition.
The year 12 Art making and exhibiting (AM&E) class visited the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art (ACCA) and the University of Melbourne’s Science Gallery as part of our new study design. At both galleries, we were walked through the exhibition by an arts educator and the exhibitions' relationship to themes was explored for us.
ACCA was running the theme of Data Relations and many of the pieces explored the relationship between humans and the ways in which we utilise data. Some standout pieces were Unerasable Characters (Winnie Soon) and These Networks in Our Skin (Mimi Ọnụọha). Soon’s pieces explored data in its raw form as a unit used to collect information, commenting particularly on the censorship on the Chinese app Weibo. Ọnụọha’s 5 minute video installation reflected both the modernity of the technology, but also how the interweaving of people’s lives and information is reminiscent of traditional practises.
The highlight of the trip was the Science Gallery. Coburg High School's AM&E cohort was given the privilege of being the first school group to have a guided tour through their exhibition Break the Binaries. The exhibition explored many issues that would hit close to students of the school, including LGBTQIA+ experiences and issues and cultural worldviews and appreciation of people’s differences.
The Science Gallery has an open call out twice a year for young people to propose artworks created for a theme and these works were the ones that we looked at.
We participated in a scenario workshop working in groups to create an artwork proposal to pitch to the gallery which broke down the barrier between what we consider ‘science’, and what we consider ‘art’, pushing us to try and define one without the other.
Overall, the trip was an amazing opportunity for AM&E students to experience the different faces of contemporary artwork as it comes out.
Here are photos from our VCE VCD Top designs 2023 and NGV Alexander McQueen exhibition excursion which ran on Thursday 30th March.
This provides students with a valuable insight into the SAT folio task in Unit 3 and 4 as well as the working life of designers and the application of the design process.
We are very proud of our VCE students as they engaged meaningfully with both Top Designs and NGV Forums, asking interesting questions of experts and demonstrated our values of Curiosity, Community, Integrity and Excellence.