
Mathematic News 

Throughout this term, students in Years 7 and 8 have been immersed in learning about the topic of Number and Place Value. Students have thrived learning Mathematics using a range of engaging learning tasks. 


The students have just completed their post-test and have demonstrated significant learning growth. The topics for the next unit include: Year 7-9 Statistics and Year 10 - Probability.

“I was really impressed when I got my test back, especially when I saw my growth. It was the best moment of my week” 

TJ Caruana 


“I am really enjoying getting extra help from my teachers being in a small math group. I am so proud of myself for getting great marks in my Mathletics” 

Grace Jones-Phillips


Congratulations to Blyth Kirkham-Peterson, Bella Foden, Monica Sarem, and Sammi Willems for achieving Growth certificates. Ava Bryne and Sammi Willems also received excellence certificates for Number and Place Value. 


Inspiring Your Child to Learn and Love Math

Inspiring Your Child to Learn and Love Math is a tool kit for parents developed by the Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE). This toolkit was created specifically for parents of children in the elementary grades in Ontario (Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8). The toolkit emphasizes the many ways in which parents’ help and support plays an important role in inspiring their children to learn and love mathematics. The goal of this resource is to provide parents with the most significant research-based information to help them be the best, most knowledgeable and most confident supporters for their child's mathematics education.


Inspiring Your Child to Learn and Love Math provides modules with simple, but effective methods and materials for parents to support their child’s math learning. It shows parents how to get involved in their children's learning, and offers guidance for working with students of different ages. 


This Parent Tool Kit was developed by experts in mathematics education, with input and advice from parents and students. When families and educators join together, students of all ages can experience greater success in their learning. Parents and educators alike can use the Implementation Guide to host a parent engagement session, and give parents in their school communities information they need to help their children navigate the K-8 mathematics program. The complete tool kit is available at: English:


Ms Michelle deBoer

Mathematics Leader