Assistant Principal Reports 

Student/Teacher/Parent Learning Conferences

There is strong evidence that clearly shows where a family of a student is actively involved in their education, the student will enjoy greater success in their learning outcomes. Students need to feel the confidence that they are supported at both school and at home. Where a strong partnership exists between the student, home and school, a student is more motivated and clear that everyone is on the ‘same page’, when it comes to their learning. 


Student Learning Conferences are therefore of great importance for all students and families as they provide an opportunity to discuss student learning progress, identification of learning strengths and areas for further development  and the establishment of agreed routines and practices to improve student performance.


 I’m pleased to advise that in 2023 the first term Learning Conferences will be held on site (in person) on Thursday March, from 12.30pm to 7.30pm. Students do not attend school on this day,  but are expected to attend the conference in full school uniform. 


Bookings for the conferences can be made from Tuesday 14 March via the Compass Website Portal  (Please allow time between each appointment to get to the next scheduled booking).  For any concerns regarding bookings, please contact me via email


Note: Onsite parking will only be available in the college car park via the Cavell Street entrance, turn left and follow the road around. Signage will provide directions to the Junior School wing where the conferences will be held, this is where the recent parent information evenings were held. 


Benedikt Reserve Art Project

Last year our students were invited to participate in a creative workshop project to design a mural at Benedict Reserve in Scoresby alongside artists from UP & UP Inspirations whom are specialists in working with community engagement and creative school workshops around Australia. 


A team of very enthusiastic students who took up the invitation commenced the project. The project backed by Knox Council and local counsellor Nicole Seymour required students to generate designs using their own thoughts and ideas, together with ideas they gained through public consultation. Students were highly engaged in hands workshops using spray paint trialling designs on canvas whilst learning valuable art techniques in the process.


Participating in the design stage, highlighted the exceptional creative skills that could be generated within our students when inspired by talented artists. The students also come away from the design stage with a clear appreciation for street art as a legitimate and contemporary form of public art expression, whilst also having their minds opened to possible career paths such as professional sign writing, graphic design and / or being a paid street artist. 


It was unfortunate that when the designs were completed,  production of the mural had to be put on hold whilst delays in the funding occurred. This was soon overcome in late Term 4 when the news came that Knox Council had approved a Community Development Grant to complete the project in Term 1 this year.


Whilst some of the Year 12 students who were involved in the project last year have now moved onto further studies and employment, a group of our 2023 Vocational Major Students took on task completing the project with great pride.  Here is a photo of Loren, Lori, Krista and Izzy who for the last week have spent several afternoons working with the artists to paint the design which is a significant feature in beautifying the Benedict Park Building.


In the past few weeks, many local residents including parents have visited the park to view the student’s progress and for students to be personally praised for the great work they had undertaken with the assistance of Daniel and Seth, the artists.

 Thanks to Daniel van de Wiel, Seth and Lauren Mortlocak and Knox City Council and the members of the public who have praised our students for their work and commitment to their community.


Conduct Expectations 

Scoresby Secondary College is fortunate to have delightful students who are generally very good natured and respectful of others and their environment.  It is imperative that all students feel safe and free from any physical, verbal or emotional abuse at all times whilst at school. 


This feeling of security has recently been impacted by a small number of students who have chosen to participate in silly behaviours.


For many students it is evident that their comments or play in the yard were not ill intended.  To ensure we maintain a safe community, I ask all students to think about how others may feel, before they act, and to always choose actions that demonstrate care and respect for others.  I thank the very large majority of students who always do exactly that. 


Our Respectful Relationships and health and wellbeing programs all support the creation of a safe and supportive community. Where students do breach our expectations students are reminded of our expectations, our college values and are provided an opportunity to reflect on their behaviors.  Our code of conduct is in student diaries so they are aware of the implications of their actions. In the rare event a student is involved in an incident that is has a significant impact on the safety and wellbeing of another person Behaviour Support and Intervention Meeting is conducted with a member of the Department of Education and Training in attendance. 



NAPLAN tasks will commence from this week and all efforts have been made to support students to feel comfortable throughout the process.  Ms Sarah Wilson will be overseeing NAPLAN this year has been communicating with the parents of students in Year 7 and Year 9 and outlined the scheduled assessments. 


Mr Ayman Youssef

Assistant Principal - Teaching & Learning


Our College, Our Community

Our grounds are exceptional and continue to be well maintained and highly sought after.


Currently both Upwey Tecoma and Scoresby Football Clubs are using our oval for their preseason training whilst the Salvation Army Cricket Club participate in mid-week training and competition on Saturday afternoons. 

Our gymnasium continues to be hired most nights, enhancing our community use. Whilst we share our resources, it is not at the expense of our own physical education and sports programs. Two mornings a week before school, students have the opportunity to participate in additional physical activities by participating in our “Get fit, get active” program  and on Wednesdays until 5.00pm our expert sports teachers deliver the nationally accredited Certificate III Sport and Recreation program on site. 


On Friday evenings and Sunday’s One Hope Church” utilise our Student Centre. This long term partnership has evolved with the church contributing and giving back to our school community through the provision of “Breakfast Club” twice per week, for all of our students.


All hirers of our facilities are required to meet the strict requirements for use as outlined in the Department Joint Use Agreements. 


State-wide teaching shortages

It’s no secret that there is an increasing state-wide shortage of long term teachers and short term or casual relief teachers (CRT’s). Our community has been fortunate that we continue to be able to source high quality CRT’s which is consistent with our vision statement which includes ‘to be the College of Choice for staff’.  Overwhelmingly, the CRT’s we utilise are always impressed with our school to the point that they always request to be able to return to our school when the need arises. 


We are pleased that one of our regular CRT’s, Ms Shianne Marsal, has taken on a permanent position in the HPE facility, slotting in seamlessly to the role whilst others have filled in for other short term vacancies.


Buildings and grounds upgrades

Thank you to families who have made contributions to our buildings and grounds funds and maintain essential charges payments. Our new Junior School courtyard has opened with further planning underway to add additional seating and shade sails to create outdoor learning areas. Recently we have also been able to upgrade our Senior School girl’s toilets and purchase more large media screens to be installed next week to replace some older data projectors.  


Student Leadership

Student voice, agency and leadership is now back at pre-covid levels with the provision of multiple opportunities for our students to participate in leadership within and beyond the college. 


Leading college assemblies and events our Senior School and Junior School Captains have been to further developing their skills in leadership, organisation, teamwork and public speaking. They are ably supported by Ms Kathleen Shirer, a former School Captain in her own right, who meets weekly with our leaders to help enhance their leadership capacity.  I am very much looking forward to this Tuesdays “High Achievers” assembly bringing back some of our 2022 alumni.


Students will be able to acknowledge the outstanding success of Kalina (DUX) , Aimee, Sam, Stephen, Poppy and Lachlan, hear where they have transitioned to this year. 


Mr Mark Corrie

Assistant Principal - Operations