Principal News

                                                                       Bethany Jackson




We had an enthusiastic group of parent and carer volunteers who came into to school this week to wrap our Easter Raffle prizes. I would like to thank them for all of their great work and for giving up thier time to do this. They were kept really busy because we have had a generous number of Easter Egg donations, this means that we have lots of great prizes on offer in our Easter Raffle.


Last week I had the first meeting of the 2023 School Council. I am grateful for our council who provide support to me in governing the school. I am looking forward to our work together throughout 2023 and achieving great outcomes for our school. Our School Council members are:


Jade Russo: Parent Member (President)

Tracey Eales: Parent Member (Vice President)

Jason Ros: Parent Member (Treasurer)

Teigan Eriksen: Parent Member

Nikki Thorneycroft: Parent Member

Jade Perkins: Parent Member

Lisa Williams: Parent Member

Belinda Clements: Staff Member (Secretary)

Jacqui Sampson: Staff Member

Louisa Shirley: Staff Member

Hannah Randall: Community Member


Today our Year 4 students hosted their Homework Expo. I was lucky enough to spend some time in thier classrooms seeing thier amazing homework projects. This was a great celebration of success and it was wonderful to have many families attend to see the display of all of the homework projects. Well done to our Year 4 students and staff.


Over the last fortnight I have have a number of community members raise with me concern regarding parking issues nearby the school. I would again like to ask for the support of all parents/carers to please park correctly and safely around our school. This is in the best interest of the safety of our school and broader community.