Teresa’s Community Day

Christmas Beach Party Community Day

On Wednesday 7 December Teresa House hosted their Community Day to raise funds for the St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal. The theme for the day was ‘Christmas Beach Party’. Candy canes with positive messages were delivered in morning Coaching and the cake stall at recess quickly sold out. 


At lunch time the spider drink stall was a hit as was the surprise flash mob dance that broke out on the central courtyard, involving the student leadership team and some very brave teachers! 

After lunch the festivities were in full swing with backyard cricket and thong throwing competitions on the oval. The game ‘cornholes’ had a strong contingent in the central courtyard and many students gathered in the College Hall to support their team in the round robin House Vollleyball Competition. Two students from each year group made up each House’s team and there were many impressive displays of athleticism and teamwork. 

The final event of the day was the Teacher vs Year 12 Volleyball Showdown. A dozen teachers took on a dozen of Year 12’s best volleyballers. It was a close match with some spectacular displays from both sides. Upon a final ‘winner takes all’ point, Year 12 were declared the champions. Teachers are already planning their comeback for next year!

Thank you to all for your enthusiastic participation, making the day the success that it was. 


Nicole Goggin | Teresa House Coordinator