Senior School

Upcoming Activities
Monday 21 November - Friday 25 November
Year 10 & Year 11 exam period, including PAT
Tuesday 22 November
Last day of Year 10 classes
(Year 10 exams commence Wednesday 23 November)
Thursday 24 November
Applications for 2023 College Captaincy due
Monday 28 November - Friday 2 December
Year 11 & Year 12 2023 Headstart program
Monday 28 November
Senior School Presentations, 2pm - 3.30pm
Friday 2 December
Last day for Year 10 & Year 11 students
Monday 5 December
Exams: for any student who missed an exam
Friday 9th December
Campion booklist online orders due
Year 10 Assembly
On Wednesday 16th November, our Year 10s gathered for their final assembly for 2022. Ms Taylor and Mr Tomada covered all the important topics, such as the Year 10 exam schedule and expectations, 2023 subject selections, important dates, and the importance of attending the Headstart program.
The Headstart program runs from Monday 28th November to Friday 2nd December. It is crucial that students attend this as it is considered the first week of VCE/Vocational Major. Study designs, discussions about assessments, and resource gathering will take place. 2023 starts now!
Mr Rule discussed the importance of PAT. His take-home message... Do your best in PAT so that your teachers can do their best for you in 2023.
2023 Booklists & Stationary
Orders for booklists and stationary are now open. Head on over to and use the code 8D46 to complete your order. Orders must be made by Friday 9th December.