Junior School

Upcoming Activities
Wednesday 23 November - Friday 25 November
Year 7 Camp Weekaway
Wednesday 23 November
Year 9 2023 subject selections announced
Tuesday 6 December
Junior School presentation, 1pm - 2.30pm
Performance Centre
Friday 9th December
Campion booklist online orders due
Year 7 Camp
Only 1 more sleep to go until we head off to camp! Campers, please note the following.
- Be at school at 8:30 am outside the Main Admin office
- Students should return on Friday by 3:00 pm
- Parents/Carers can call 03 54291503 in the case of an emergency
- See image below on what to pack
- Learning program at school that will include classes of English, Maths, Science, Humanities, HPE and Transition activities with Mr Dennis (Year 8 Positive Climate and Community Leader).
- Very important that you are at school these three days to start the transition to year 8 program that is starting on camp.
Drew Hanna
Positive Climate and Community Leader
Week 11 - it's important!
In Junior School, our students continue their learning all the way until the end of the year. In Week 11 (12th - 16th December), our Year 7 and Year 8 students will be participating in a Literacy and Numeracy focus program. This program will be re-capping the concepts and learnings in literacy and numeracy from 2022 and introducing the syllabus and setting goals for 2023. Participation will maximise student growth and success for the year ahead.
Please continue to support your child and the school in this important work.
Drew Hanna & Ty Dennis
Positive Climate and Community Leaders
Attendance Still Matters
As the end of the year is drawing near, we understand that students are tired and may express that their learning has ended. As stated above, the school will be running an educational program and students will be expected to attend. We acknowledge that it may be problematic to support your child to attend each day and every day counts. If you require support please reach out to Junior school.
Neil McMorran
Year 8 Coordinator
2023 Year 9 Subject Changes
On Wednesday 23 November the Year 9 2023 subject selections will be posted on Compass through the Reports section. Requests to change subjects will not be granted in most cases. If you have a unique circumstance requiring a request to change subjects, then families can contact Tony Leung at KaiHong.Leung@education.vic.gov.au
2023 Booklists & Stationary
Orders for booklists and stationary are now open. Head on over to www.campion.com.au and use the code 8D46 to complete your order. Orders must be made by Friday 9th December.
Year 8 2023:
Year 9 2023: