From the Deputy Principal

Megan Nertney

How beautiful has it been to see the rain this week and the cooler temperatures. It feels very unusual for this time of year for it to be so cool. 


It's hard to believe that we are at the end of another week and there are only two weeks left of the school year. There are many events coming up in the next couple of weeks so please read the newsletter, Seesaw and Facebook page carefully for all the happenings. 


Your children must be so tired after two weeks of swimming. All children from Foundation to Year 4 participated enthusiastically in the swimming program and we thank the swimming instructors for teaching our students. Today the energy levels were low, but we still saw many smiles. 


Carols night is fast approaching! The Living Waters Carols night will take place on Thursday 1st December between 5-7pm. The dress is festive clothing. POTS will be providing pre-purchased and pre-paid food between 5-6pm. These are strictly the times so the volunteers can enjoy the show.  You are welcome to order the food through the School24 app on the Events tab. There will be Butter Chicken, Veggie Korma and Spaghetti Bolognese. An adult size is $10, and a child size is $5.  You can also purchase soft drinks for $2.50 and Poppers for $2 via the app. (There will only be a small number of drinks to purchase on the night). Please have your orders in by Monday 28th November before 12pm. The the orders are now open and orders cannot be accepted after the cut off time. If you are having difficulty with your order, please contact 


We would love to have some Christmas baked goods for sale on the night. If you are interested in donating some baked goods, please let us know, via the sign-up sheet. 


We are still looking for volunteers, so if you would like to volunteer to help in a variety of ways such as make some of the food, serve, pack, clean up, just to name a few, then please see the volunteer sign-up sheet  


Remember you can also BYO picnic if you would prefer. If it looks like it might rain, we will be in the hall for our carols night. We have been practicing hard and our whole school song is sounding amazing!


On Friday at 8.30am in the hall we have our Awards. Due to space restrictions we are asking that only parents and families of award recipients attend. If your child is getting an award on the day, you would have received an email. 


We would like to thank Bronny Ritchie for making our Advent parament for our worship services on Wednesday. Advent is a special time in a church's calendar and the wreath is a way to help us count down to the coming of Jesus. If you would like to find out more about Advent there is information attached below the photo of our parament. We look forward to using this at our worships in the coming weeks.


Have a great week! 


Miss Megan Nertney