
Child Safeguarding Committee


This year we established a student and staff Safeguarding Committee. This came after the new child safe standards were implemented and was our way of including student voice about safety at Killester. Students lead discussions about what it means to be physically, psychologically and emotionally safe at the College. They showed great passion in initiating some actions throughout the College to raise the profile of safety and we are very grateful for their input. This will now be an ongoing initiative students and staff can be part of.


New child safe standards came into effect on 1 July 2022. The 11 new standards replace Victoria’s old seven standards and principles. Ministerial Order 1359 provides the framework for child safety in schools.


The key changes to the new standards include:


- families and communities are informed and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing


- greater focus on providing culturally safe environments for Aboriginal young people


- managing the risk of child abuse in online environments which promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for young people to be harmed


- empowering young people about their rights and providing them opportunities to participate in decision making


- greater clarify on upholding diversity and equity with particular focus on students with disability, culturally and linguistically diverse students, and students with gender diversity.


To access the New Child Safe Standards Information Sheet in community languages, visit:



Year 8 Activity Day


Punches were thrown and targets were hit for the students of St Faustina. If you want to hear how this all started, let’s go back to the beginning. All Year 8’s were fizzing with excitement. 


Just dance was jam-packed with fun dances in groups, trios and pairs. Everyone cooperated and joined in as any song was played. Everyone gave suggestions for songs and enjoyed dancing. Even though this wasn’t everyone’s best strength, they gave it a good solid go and participated. 


Yoga was mind-bending and physically bending. To many, yoga is a daily thing. It was relaxing to the mind and body.  


Challenge games were quick-thinking and fast-paced activities. The games were amusing, enjoyable and entertaining. Despite the fact that it began to rain, we made the most of our time. Our moods were lifted, and even though the teacher had to improvise, they made sure everyone had a good time despite the weather. 


Of course, we couldn’t forget about the incredible boxing session we had. We learnt basic skills from Mr Rahimi. We learnt how to protect ourselves and 3 simple punches. It really strengthened our minds and body. It was a good way to let out our frustrations and have some fun. 


Origami crafts calmed our moods. We made butterflies and chatterboxes with our spare paper. 


We also had a special African Drumming session run by Fred and Ronald from One Spirit Africa where we saw a spectacular performance and did coordinated drumming as a class. We drummed to different beats and had fun with it.  


We then watched the movie ‘17 Again’. Everyone enjoyed it as it was a comedy-romance movie. There were many funny-laughing scenes and we came together as a year level. 


Everyone enjoyed Activity Day and we thank the teachers for hosting this special day for the Year 8’s. The event was appreciated by all. 


Gurnaz Bains and Krisha Kancharla 

(Year 8, St Faustina)



The school holidays are fast approaching, and we have HEAPS of energy busting activities to get students out and connecting with others in our Summer Escapes Holiday Activities! Students can elevate their DJ, skate, and BMX skills, or get creative with our resin art and tie dye workshops.


Sounds like fun? We haven’t event told you about our day at Bonbeach or trip to the iconic Luna Park.


All of our activities are heavily subsidised, and transport is included for those activities outside of CGD.


Bookings open on Monday 28 November, and activities are sure to fill up fast.


Be sure that your student’s secure their spot by sharing with them the attached flyer and booking information.


Bookings can be made via Youth and Family Services Eventbrite page: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/greater-dandenong-youth-and-familyservices-52286167963.


For more information please see our website; https://youth.greaterdandenong.vic.gov.au/programs/holiday-activities


WAIT. There’s more!

Our highly anticipated 5-a-side Soccer Tournament is back on Friday 27 January.

Finalists in each division will come away with trophies and medals.

Young people can register a team or as an individual in 1 of 4 divisions; U14 male, U16 male, U25 female and U25 male.   The event is FREE, including a FREE shuttle bus to Soccer 5s, 29 Brindley Street, Dandenong South.


Registration is essential. Visit our website for more information and to register:




Please feel free to contact Youth and Family Services on 9793 2155 for information and booking support.


Please note this email has also been sent to Welfare and year level coordinators.


Emma Neville

Assistant Principal  - Wellbeing Junior