Chaplain's Christmas Message

Christmas Is For Love

As our cultural Christmas walks hand in hand with our “religious Christmas” and many of the customs are interrelated, I always remind our students that without the birth of Christ, we would have no Christmas. 


“The Work of Christmas” composed by Howard Thurman, an African-American theologian, educator, and civil rights leader, reminds us that our responsibilities to the world continue throughout the year. 


Regardless of our beliefs, we can make a difference; the presents put away, the tree back in the cupboard, we then take the message of hope and love into the community in which we live. 


When the song of the angels is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone, when the kings and princes are home, when the shepherds are back with their flocks, the work of Christmas begins: 


to find the lost,

to heal the broken,

to feed the hungry,

to release the prisoner,

to rebuild the nations,

to bring peace among the people,

to make music in the heart.


May you have a wonderful break, a safe holiday and a really blessed Christmas. 

Please be wise and keep healthy! 


~ Pastor Sarah Pollitt

   College Chaplain