A Message from Keir

Hi Everyone; 


This week was a very, very exciting week for many groups of new ‘Brunswick North Westians’ and their families. 


Wednesday was the first day of our 2022 Foundation transition, and, thankfully, we were able to have our new students and their families come on-site – some of them for the first time!


Despite the rain, our new Foundation students and their families took part in some wonderful activities that focussed on growing and nurturing plants. They planted bean and radish seeds in recyclable pots and decorated these pots with some beautiful handmade flag labels. Cath read the students the beautiful story ‘Kindness Grows’ by Britta Teckentrup, and they all made and decorated paper leaves and flowers for the cardboard BNW tree that you can see outside of the front entrance to the school. 


Everyone had a very enjoyable morning, and most new foundies took their seeds home to nurture. 


Also this week, our year six students have begun making plans for their graduation. With the lessening of COVID restrictions, the students and their teachers have been able to begin to think about what an on-site graduation might look like. I am already hearing some great things about a golden glitter archway, and mini golf with each hole representing a year that our grade sixes have been at school (I can’t wait to conquer 2020 again!) 

 It looks and sounds like it is going to be a wonderful event that encapsulates all that Brunswick North West is. 


Class teachers have been working on creating classes for our 2022 school year. The meticulous care and advocacy that happens with each of these class creation meetings is commendable. It is not an easy task (or time) for class teachers as they begin to let go of their current class and start to forecast the needs of their current students going forward. 


It truly has been a week of beginning transitions. Transitions can often be hard – they are wrapped in excitement and anticipation, but can also have layers of wonder, dread or anxiety. The COVID years have also made it very tricky for some individuals to navigate any more transitions, and yet … these transitions will be on us before we know it. 


Let’s all be patient with each other as we travel the transition pathway; and let’s enjoy as much of it as we can.


Have a great week everyone.  

