Principal Report

Whole School Production

Our whole school production rehearsals are progressing well, with finishing details now being attended to.  I would like to acknowledge the significant work Leo our music therapist and Sara our visual arts teacher have undertaken to ensure each and every student has been fully involved in the planning and preparation for the production, in addition to their performance on the day. Each class has chosen their own theme, developed their story plot, selected their music and movement and created their costumes.

PLC 1 - the Zoo

PLC 2 - the Circus

PLC 3 - the Circus

PLC 4 - Space

SLC 5 - the City

SLC 6 - Under the Sea

SLC 7 - the Farm

SLC 8 - Hollywood


Sara is currently finalising the costumes and may send home information on items you can assist with by sending in from home.


As detailed in the last newsletter, the production will be filmed by our official school photographer Hikari Photopgraphy to enable all members of the Belmore School community to view the performance; due to density limitations impacting the opportunity for a larger audience beyond our students and staff.  A notice will be sent home which will provide the option for you to opt out if you do not permit your child to be filmed.  If this occurs your child will remain included in the production, however they will perform to the side of the group to ensure they are not sighted in the filming frame.  I strongly encourage you to consider your decision as I know all families will be respectful in who they share the recording of the production with.

2022 Preparations

2022 preparations are well underway and with student enrolment numbers remaining stable we will continue with eight classes - four primary and four secondary.  We are currently finalising staffing and student placements which parents and carers will be advised of on Monday 13 December. The following day, students will be informed of their class placements and have the opportunity to spend time with their new teacher and classmates in their new classroom.

Student Reports

At the end of each semester the importance of our Team Around the Learner is highlighted as our staff collaborate to prepare student reports.  I take this opportunity to acknowledge the additional workload teachers and therapists are currently undertaking as they complete the 2021 Semester 2 assessment and reporting requirements.


The Department of Education and Training has again adjusted the expectations around student reporting for Semester 2 in recognition of the continued disruption caused by COVID-19. While Belmore School has continued to deliver a teaching and learning program and monitor the learning of each student, we have adjusted our usual program to reflect the ongoing periods of remote and flexible delivery. 


Belmore School will therefore provide a modified report for the parent/carer of each student focusing on the range of learning programs the student has participated in, whether onsite at school or at home through the Home Learning Program and the achievements they have made.  These reports will be sent home with students on Monday 13th December.  Formal SSG meetings will not be held at the end of the year but you are most welcome to contact your child’s class teacher if you would like additional information or clarification upon receipt of the report.

International Volunteer Day

This year International Volunteer Day falls on Sunday 5 December.  While we are fortunate to have a number of loyal and committed volunteers  who dedicate their valued time to come along and support our students and staff, sadly their attendance at Belmore this year has been limited by the ongoing Government restrictions.  We are all looking forward to next year when we hope to warmly welcome the return of these incredibly important members of our Belmore School community. 



Karen Overall
