Bee Incursion 

The Junior school were very lucky to enjoy an incursion all about bees, organised by Ian and presented by Katrina. 


We learnt lots of facts such as: you can't have an anaphylactic reaction from native bees, that we have around 2,000 native bee species and that unfortunately the number of bees is being affected by climate change, pollution, pesticides, and bush fires

We also learnt the difference between a fly and bee. Flies have small eyes, long antennae and tuck their wings in when they are collecting pollen. 


After learning these awesome facts, we went outside into the OSHC garden to look at the pollinators in the garden (pollinators are: bees, flies, butterflies, moths and even bats!) 

We had so much fun and will continue looking at pollinators next week in our classrooms.





This weekend, see if you can spot any pollinators in your garden or in your neighbourhood!