Foundie Transition

I know what you’re thinking. Why on earth is there a spot in the newsletter for Foundie Transition when we are still in Term 2? Well, not only do the mince pies in Woolies tell you differently, but I am about to, too. It is in fact Week 7 of Term 4. We are nearing the end of the year, and the beginning of so many new adventures. The 2022 Foundation students came for their second Transition session on Wednesday this week, exploring the school grounds and diving deep into some Guided Play. The current Foundation teachers set up some provocations for the new students to play, write, create and explore. Already we can see new friendships blooming, and social skills developing. This valuable insight helps exponentially when we start making the Foundation classes for 2022. We went on a tour of the school and got to play in the playground (very exciting) and even visited the toilets (strangely, even more exciting). While the future Foundies were exploring and playing, their grown ups were at Sprout being informed about the wide and varied curriculum here at BNW. It is such an exciting time of year, we can’t wait to spend more time with the incredible Superstars who will be gracing our school next year.