
On Tuesday 08 December, the junior school students went on an excursion to Coal Creek Museum. The excursion began with a bus ride that travelled through the green countryside and past many farm animals. When we arrived at our destination, Miss Lizzie was waiting for us and warmly greeted us as we stepped off the bus. We journeyed back in time as we walked through the reception, glancing at the beautiful victorian dresses and information posters about the past. On the other side of the reception was the small historic town of Coal Creek. The students "ooohed and aahed" at the old train carriages, shop fronts and the objects from yesteryear in the building windows. 


We heard the school bell chiming in the distance, and Miss Lizzie was ringing the school bell and calling all children to gather at the Jeethro School. In a stern voice, she asked the children to make two lines, one line for boys and one line for girls and the students quickly stood in the correct lines. Once the students were ready, Miss Lizzie said an Oath under the Australian flag and led the students inside the schoolhouse. The highlight of this activity was the cursive writing using slate boards and ink pens. After the classroom activity,  we took a walk along the nature walk to the Slab and Daub Houses. The students saw houses made from natural materials such as wood, animal poo, horsehair and mud. They had the opportunity to see the very basic rooms in the homes. Many students were fascinated with the outside toilet and how it operates. At the General Store, the students saw many different objects inside and outside the shop. Our visit to the chemist and doctor's surgery created a great discussion about the poisonous ingredients such as mercury and arsenic used in medicines long ago. It was time to head back down the hill and had lunch on the green lawn and play games from the past like coits and wooden tenpin bowling. Finally, we headed back to the buses and journeyed back to school. 



Merry Christmas 

Dear 1/2M Families, 


What an amazing year! It has been my honour to teach your children and  each day they have filled my heart with kindness, love and pride. Thank you for all your ongoing support throughout the year and particularly during remote learning. I wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year. Take care and stay safe during the holidays. 


Love Miss Melanie