
DiscoverSTEMM - Discover your own pathway through STEMM

Hi everyone! My name is Chloe and I am a fellow MGC student. My friend Cherry and I started our initiative, DiscoverSTEMM, out of a desire to help young people get involved in STEMM (science, tech, engineering, medicine and math) and we would really appreciate it if you could support us by signing up!


Who Are We?!?!

  • An easy to use online platform
  • Aimed at making STEMM more accessible and appealing
  • Provides useful resources and links to help students find STEMM enrichment opportunities
  • Co-founded by Chloe McCormick (MGC year 9) and Cherry Arora (Mac.Rob year 10)


Why You Should Sign Up….

  • 100% FREE!!!
  • Super easy to sign up and use
  • Find new STEMM programs EVERY WEEK!!


Useful Links:

DiscoverSTEMM Website:

DiscoverSTEMM Official Instagram:


If this sounds like something you are interested in, make sure to sign up on the DiscoverSTEMM website for more info and updates!!