For Parents 

Maggie Dent at Kiama November 30 2021! 

From Boys to Men

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Kiama, $35


"In this seminar, parenting author and educator and ‘boy champion’ Maggie Dent shares insights, tips and common-sense wisdom from her 2020 book, From Boys to Men: Guiding our teen boys to grow into happy, healthy men. Adolescence is a confusing time for teens and their parents and carers — and our boys have some particular challenges that we need to understand if we are to guide them safely to healthy manhood.


Maggie explores in a compassionate, practical way how we can:

- communicate effectively with our boys

- teach your lad to cope with loss and failure, and recover well

- help them foster healthy friendships and intimate relationships

- the importance of the line in the sand

- navigating middle school and high

- ‘unstick’ an unmotivated son.


This seminar will empower and enlighten anyone who lives or works with boys 12-25 to better understand them and support them to thrive as they progress through this often-challenging stage of development, so they can grow into be happy, healthy men".


Tickets can be purchased at:



Supporting Aboriginal Students 

Supporting Aboriginal students (


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The Parents Website

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