New Merit Award System



The current school award system has been raised by many parents and staff over the years. As a result, Miss Ferguson investigated various option in relation to updating and streamlining our school's K-6 merit award system to ensure transparency and clear links between the playground and classroom. 


Miss Ferguson presented the proposed new merit reward system at the P&C meeting last week. All parents unanimously were in favour for the new merit system. 


The proposed new reward system will operate in one calendar year and will not overlap into future years. The new reward system will be aligned to the school's high expectations for behaviour and uniform. 


All families are now kindly invited to provide feedback on the new proposed reward system either by sending an email to or by contacting Miss Ferguson via the office.


The Proposed New School Merit Award System Structure

  • "GOTCHA"; students will receive a "gotcha" from staff to recognise their positive behaviour inside and outside the classroom. 
  • "GOTCHA"; each student will have their own "gotcha" chart
  • SURF Award; students will receive a SURF Award when they collect 15 "gotcha's"
    SURF Awards will be handed out in class and recorded on the class "Go for Gold" chart
  • BRONZE Award; students will receive a BRONZE Award and a Zooper Dooper when they collect 5 SURF Awards. The BRONZE Award will be handed out at Friday's SURF Assembly.
  • SILVER Award; students will receive a SILVER Award and a $1 Canteen Voucher when they collect 10 SURF Awards. The SILVER Award will be handed out at Friday's SURF Assembly.
  • GOLD Award; students will receive a GOLD Award and a gold badge when they collect 15 SURF Awards and will be eligible to attend the end of year GOLD reward activity.
    Principal's Medallion; students who receive 20 SURF Awards in a calendar year will become eligible for the Principal's Medallion. The medallion will be presented to the student at the school's Excellence Assembly. 

Mrs Kocovska
