Sports Blog

Sport is back on the menu!


What a great couple of weeks we have had! Lots of fun for everyone!


SEA Surf Education Program

This was definitely the highlight of the week. Students from years 3-6 were lucky enough to spend a day at the beach learning some vital life skills and having fun at the same time. 

Students learnt how to identify a rip, how not to panic if caught in a rip, the benefits of swimming between the flags and what to do if you are in trouble. They were also shown how to catch a wave on a board and how to safely dive under waves. 

Not only did they learn a lot, but they also made some long-lasting memories. Was an amazing day and we were so blessed that the rain stayed away. Check out all the smiles below. 


Optima Soccer

Soccer continues for K-2 each Friday. This week will be the last week, but I know all the students have had an amazing time. Daniell and Hayden will be running a mini World Cup for the K-2 students on the last day and we thank them for their wonderful and engaging lessons!


Soccer World Cup

This Thursday 25 November, years 3-6 will participate in the annual Soccer World Cup which will be run by Daniell and Hayden, who have generously offered their expertise in this area and we are extremely grateful. The students have been placed in mixed teams and have been busy making their team flags for the event. Fingers crossed the weather cooperates! Please make sure your child wears their sports uniform on Thursday.



We finally made it to Windang Tennis Club for our first tennis lesson. Tom and the team had some great games and activities waiting for us. Students learnt how to hit using the forehand and backhand strokes and then applied this skill to the many fun games we played. We have some very talented students at Windang Public School. Looking forward to our next lesson this Friday. Check out the photos below.


NRL After School Program

We really have been lucky to have so many opportunities for our students. The NRL League Stars program kicked off and  we have about 50 students involved each week. 

Experienced coaches are sharing their skills and knowledge of the game with our students through a variety of games and activities. It has been great to see so many smiles and the enthusiasm of the students. 



Please ensure you have registered your child on LEAGUESTARS.COM.AU to ensure your child does not miss out on their pack.


Keep on sporting Windang!

Mrs Blanch