
Onsite Feel-Good Story 

Will S - Year 1


Will has been a regular this term and has really embraced the onsite learning and always attempts the

task he is doing to the best of his ability. 


Will enjoyed the chance to see his fellow class members during the first collaborative classroom and was able to add valuable contributions. The daily tasks, which are set on Seesaw, have provided the routine and structure to support Will as we continue to do the best we can to support all of our learners at MRPS.

Of course we look forward to all of our students returning to normal classes, but we are celebrating the positives that take place and sharing with the community. 


Sentral has partnered up with SchoolTV and sent out some videos for parents and carers to look at during our remote learning. 

Attached below is a link that can assist with dealing with disappointment. It can be a challenging emotion for people to deal with and there is some real challenges that are presented to our students and families during this pandemic. This short video can support families in having those conversations with students and can help put things in perspective as we try to focus on the positives. 




Michael Searl

Wellbeing Tips

Self-care is important for parents. Balancing home-life, work from home, and supervising your child's Remote Learning often feels like a losing battle. It is important to recognise when life is getting to be a struggle under all these Covid-19 restrictions.


Here are 3 Wellbeing tips you can do that will start to help make life that little bit more manageable:-


1. Be Kind to yourself - and others

It is important to recognise that we are human too. We also need care to be able to keep looking after the people in your care. Caring for ourselves doesn’t come at our family’s expense, it helps us care for our families. As adults, it is our responsibility to have a self-care routine for ourselves, to keep our wellbeing strong, so we can look after our family.


2. Focus on the things we can control

The influence we have on our daily lives at home and the life of our family is huge. There is not much we can do about the current restrictions we are faced with.  Let's focus on improving what we can, enjoy the little things in life when we can, and not focus on/worry about that which we can do nothing. This is easier said than done, but it is freeing when we work on what we can control instead of stressing about what we cannot change.


3. Reflect on the successes so far

You have come a long way from where you were at the start. You have made changes and put things in place to help your family work from home and remote learn from home. Sometimes it's worth realising just how far you've come and reflect on all of the little wins. So take comfort in the fact you have had lots of successes in the effort you have put in - if you just stop and reflect.


If you or your family are struggling, you are not alone and we can help. Please contact the Wellbeing team at Miner's Rest Primary School .


Take care, stay safe and keep in touch,

Jesse Winter - School Chaplain