Year 7 News

Year 7 Metro Public Transport Presentation

A large number of our students travel to and from school on trams, trains and buses. Our school community recognises the importance of a safe commute and with this in mind, we organised the Community Education Officer from Metro Public Transport to visit Rosehill Secondary College and speak with all of our Year 7 students.


Using public transport is a part of everyday life and it's important that we learn the correct procedures while utilising such services. Students were entertained with an interactive presentation that incorporated information about the Myki service and railway station facilities. On top of this, students were also informed about how to be safe and responsible while in and around stations, trains, trams and buses.


We ask that all students display the school values of respect and initiative while at school and in the wider community. This presentation was a terrific way to explicitly teach our students how to be safe, smart and respectful while using public transport.


Matt Hosking

Head of Sub-School (7-9)

Year 7 Vaccinations

Year 7 Vaccinations will take place on Tuesday, 5th March.  They are highly recommended but not compulsory.  The vaccinations offered are:

  • Human Papilloma Virus
  • Tetanus/Whooping Cough/Diphtheria

Parents can consent to both, just one, or neither of the vaccinations.


If you have not already done so, you are asked to complete all sections of the vaccination card and have your child return it to the General Office as soon as possible, even if your child is not having either vaccination.  Please make sure you sign in the appropriate area under each vaccination; vaccinations will not be administered without a signature for each.  Ensure that your child’s name and Home Group are on the front of the card.