
Welcome Amir

A big hello to the Preshil community!


My name is Amir and I am the new Wellbeing Coordinator here at Preshil.  If I haven’t met you yet, then I hope to soon and get to know all of you more in the coming weeks.


My role is to look after all things wellbeing: general social/emotional health, mental health and student concerns for ANY reason.  I am also here for staff and whole school community wellbeing.


Practically, my job will be chatting with students, staff and parents and ideally providing strategies to help ameliorate any issues; for those issues outside of my expertise I can refer to other services.


I don’t claim to know how to fix everything.  I do, however, have a wide range of strategies derived from both personal and researched experience that can be helpful for issues relating to all persons.  Ideally, my role is to make my role obsolete!  Ideally, all students and staff will have enough resilience and tangible strategies in their own personal wellbeing toolkit to deal with any situation that arises.  I am here to do my best to help you be the best you can be.


My range of skills comes from an intense upbringing where I dealt with most of the issues that you can think of.  I found my feet, made it into teaching and loved it.  I now have a B.Ed, M.Ed, G.Dip.Psych and am currently completing my PhD part-time in lifelong learning for wellbeing.


Please feel free to call and chat about any issues you perceive to be affecting your young person in relation to their Preshil experience.  Or just call to touch base and have a chat.  I am highly curious and interested in most things; favourite topics include photobiology, pranayama, dance and anything I don’t know about!  Basically, I’m impossible to offend!


I really look forward to being a part of your school community.




Amir Tatai

Wellbeing Coordinator
