From the Acting Assistant Principal
Welcome to Term 2 and CHANGE
As I sit in a new space that is unfamiliar (out of the classroom), I think of a quote I read by Jim Rohn who wrote, “You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of”.
Sometimes change can create fear and uncertainty as we are not sure what will happen. However, change is something that we should approach with curiosity and eagerness. We can change ourselves at any time. Whether it is a personal or learning goal that we have been working on.
It is important that we as adults demonstrate how we accept change and can take charge of it so that our own children see that being personally responsible is not difficult.
This term, as Acting Assistant Principal I look forward and will take charge of the HUGE learning curve that I am about to confront.
Student’s school-based IT Subscriptions
Here is a brief reminder to parents that all students have access as part of our ICT subscriptions to the following digital learning platforms at home:
- Mathletics – world’s leading online maths program for Foundation – Yr 6
- Wushka - a levelled reading library for Foundation - Yr 4 students
- Mathseeds - is the award‑winning online math program for students aged 3–9
Nessy is used at school only as it is targeted to individual learning needs and requires students to use their understanding of the alphabetic code to spell, read and write words. Class teachers access all student information and set learning goals that target personal learning experiences. Nessy is a structured literacy program based on science of reading and spelling for Foundation – Yr 3.
All of these platforms complement and enrich our classroom learning programs. Learning tasks are set and differentiated by class teachers for each student’s individual needs. These programs provide students the opportunity to practise and consolidate their literacy and numeracy skills in a fun stimulating way, whilst gaining immediate feedback around their responses.
Your child’s teacher will or has sent home the passwords to some of the mentioned programs (Nessy is exempt). If you haven’t received them or have misplaced any, please contact your child’s class teacher directly.
Some exciting reading events are happening across Term 2. They are free for families to join also.
Premier’s Reading Challenge begins again. Students at OPS will be registered and class teachers will log books read as part of the experience. There might be ‘Challenge’ storybooks read as part of their classroom or library sessions. Each year level has set targets for reading. For example; Foundation classes aim to read 30 books before the challenge ends in September. I know they read so many more. There are so many amazing stories out there.
The National Simultaneous Storytime will also happen this month on 24th May. National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. Now in its 23nd successful year, it is a colourful, vibrant, fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy, using an Australian children's book that explores age-appropriate themes, and addresses key learning areas of the National Curriculum for Foundation to Year 6.
The event is FREE! If you would like to register at home head to
The storybook selected this year is the ‘Speedy Sloth’ by Heath McKenzie and Rebecca Young. Save the date in your calendars, Wednesday 24th May at 11am to 12 pm.
Looking forward to visiting more classrooms this term and experiencing some new learning myself.
Michelle Di Giovanni
Acting Assistant Principal