Transition Survey Yr6 to Yr7

Transition Survey -  what secondary schools have to say about our Year 6 students


Recently we conducted a survey amongst the secondary schools of our 2022 Year 6 students. The schools our students transitioned to were a mix of Catholic, Government and Independent schools. We would like to share our findings with you.


What was your first impression of our students?

Anecdotally we have always received excellent feedback regarding our students demeanor and ability to adjust to secondary schooling. One respondent noted that the students were "confident and settled into the routine of the high school classroom quickly." Another mentioned that the students were "friendly and outgoing." A third respondent described the students as "capable, happy young people who were ready for secondary school, celebrating their primary years and keen to expand their social circles."  Another noted that the student was "confident despite being only one of a small number new to the school."


Were our students academically ready for Year 7?

The general consensus is that our students are confident learners and academically ready for secondary school. One respondent stated that "the student was academically ready and has begun well." Another noted that "considering the past two years of COVID, in general they all achieved very well on the AAS academic testing." Meanwhile, two respondents felt that the students were indeed academically ready, with one simply answering "yes," and the other stating that "very much so, their results are excellent.


Do our students show independence?

One respondent noted that "the student shows independent skills in terms of self-led learning tasks and seeking help."  A second observed that "the students are thriving in the secondary setting and enjoying the many teachers each day and the chance to move around the school. Homework and organization are always a big jump but all are managing this well." Two other respondents felt that the students were indeed showing independence, with two simply answering "yes," and the other stating that "yes, they are auditioning for activities with much older students and holding their own."


How did our students cope with the transition from a small, nurturing school to a larger school population?

Overall our students adjust quickly to their new school setting and have quickly formed relationships with other students and their teachers. One respondent noted that they felt the students coped well, observing that "they have made friends very quickly." A third commented on the support provided, stating that "the students settled well into the class groups and we were very grateful for the teacher transition pairing recommendations to support this process." Another noted that while it took one student time to adjust, "they have all  made some great connections with other students and have coped well with the demands so far." Finally, one respondent had a very positive response, stating that the students were doing "very well," with one student, in particular, "flourishing."


We hope by sharing these results you will have some further insight into how we prepare our students for their next step into secondary school. 


We will conduct this survey again next year.