
We are so excited for this Term to kick off as it is going to be a busy one with plenty of excursions and presentations being offered to our GSSC students. 


Year 10 students will be attending the Careers Day Out Expo on Wednesday 10th May. This is a huge day for all students in the Goulburn Valley Region. At Careers Day Out students have the opportunity to talk to university representatives, participate in workshops, discover what is available at TAFE and even apply for casual and part time jobs in the region. Students will need to be in full school uniform and have returned their local excursions form in order to attend. 


Year 11 VCE VM students will be going to Tomorrow Bound Expo in Bendigo on Thursday 25th May. This is particular good for students interested in Apprenticeships, Traineeships and TAFE pathways with plenty of businesses also keen to talk about jobs in their industry. 


Year 12 students have already signed up and will attend one of three excursions this Term to various universities in Melbourne to see what the university offers, helping students to make plans for their future in the area they would like to pursue. These excursions are free to all students and we thank our university partnerships for making some money available money to help pay for buses.

Our Year 12 students will also attend the Tertiary Information Service event in Shepparton on the 12th of May. All the Victorian Universities and GOTAFE representative will be there to provide information about their courses.


On Tuesday, 9th May students interested in studying Social Work and Youth Work degrees will go to La Trobe University Shepparton campus to hear about these courses from current students and teachers. A great way to start researching potential career paths in this area. 


To get students interested in the Agriculture there is a Dookie Food and Fibre Expo being held at Dookie on the Thursday 25th May. This is always a well planned day with plenty of demonstrations and workshops to get involved with.


The Careers Team welcomes Greg Bristol to the role of Careers Practitioner for Dharnya Neighbourhood for the rest of the year while Graeme Crosbie takes Long Service Leave. Greg brings a wealth of knowledge particularly at the senior end of the school from previous positions as a Senior House Leader, VCE/VCAL Leader (both at Wanganui Park Secondary College) and Applied Learning Leader (GSSC). We wish him the best in his new role. 

Head Start - Goulburn Ovens Murray Hub

Head Start is a school-based apprenticeship and traineeship (SBAT) program that helps students in years 10-12 develop skills, capabilities and confidence that employers in growth industries need.Head Start students receive paid on-the-job training that contributes to their VCE, VCE Vocational Major or VPC and leads to a qualification.


How Head Start works

Each Head Start student receives:

  • career planning advice from their school career practitioner to find the right pathway
  • a plan for their pathway into a priority industry career, tailored to their specific needs and the needs of their employer
  • one-on-one support from a Head Start coordinator to keep them on the right track
  • quality-assured training through TAFEs and Skills First providers
  • a secondary certificate such as the VCE, VCE Vocational Major or VPC
  • completion or significant progress towards a qualification such as a Certificate III or IV
  • payment of a fair training wage.

Getting started 

Students can join the Head Start program by talking to their school’s career practitioner, who will connect them with their Head Start team. The team will carefully match the student with an employer. Before their apprenticeship or traineeship formally begins, the student completes a work trial to make sure they, their parents, their school and the employer are confident the placement is suitable.

The student, their parent and employer sign a training contract, and the student completes a training plan with a registered training organisation.


Depending on employer and student needs, a Head Start student can increase their hours of paid employment as they progress through their studies. For example, a student might have paid employment for:

  • one day per week in year 10
  • 2 days per week in year 11
  • 2-3 days per week in year 12.

Head Start students can work at their place of employment on weekends and in the school holidays. Depending on the stage of their training plan, they can transition into a full-time apprenticeship or traineeship when they leave school. Head Start also supports students in their first year after leaving school, to help make their transition into full-time training and employment an easier process. 

Morrisby Profiling – Year 9

My Career Insights is a program for all Year 9 students in Victorian Government secondary schools. It was designed to help your child to make informed choices about subject selection, vocational education and training, senior secondary school certificates and further study. This program recognises the importance of developing career planning skills including an awareness of individual strengths and preferences as part of the overall career planning process for young people. This program is designed to support current career education programs within the school and to be a lifelong career tool that can be revisited and updated.


My Career Insights at GSSC so far:

  • 180 Year 9 students have registered and completed the first stage
  • 130 of those have had a follow up interview with a Morrisby trained Careers Counsellor

The remainder of term 2 and term 3 will be allocated to getting the rest of our Year 9s through the first stage of the program and in Term 4, the interviewing will be completed.


As a parent/guardian – Ask your child if they have done the program and what they found out about themselves and future career prospects. They can log in at any time to their profile on and show you the results and suggested career interests that came up for them. If your child is yet to begin the program, complete the attached parent consent form and return it to school asap. Any further questions, contact one of the Careers staff at the College. 

Year 12 Students


Early entry enables universities to look at factors other than just the ATAR when making course offers. Each program takes different criteria into consideration. The following is information on four early entry programs that are now open.


Charles Sturt University:

Charles Sturt Advantage (Round 2).

Applications close 30 June.

Successful students will receive an ATAR free offer for the 2024 intake.


Australian National University:

Applications close Monday 15 May.

Successful students will receive an ATAR free offer for the 2024 intake.


La Trobe University:

La Trobe has two early admission programs that are open for Year 12 students:

Aspire Year 11 Conditional Entry

Round 2 applications are now open. Selection is based on Year 11 grades and an

endorsement from your school. Successful applicants will be eligible to receive a conditional ATAR free offer. The conditions are:

  • Complete Year 12
  • Achieve course prerequisites.
  • Preference the course correctly via the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC).

Not all courses are eligible. Rolling offers will be made until the closing date. 

Aspire Community Contribution

Applications are now open. Selection is based on a statement about your community service/leadership history. Successful applicants will receive an early conditional offer. The conditions are:

  • Complete Year 12
  • Achieve course prerequisites.
  • Achieve the minimum ‘Aspire ATAR’ for the course.
  • Preference the course correctly via the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC).

All courses are eligible and rolling offers will be made. Applications close Friday 1 September.

Information on both programs - 

Year 11 & 12 


Students studying Year 11 and 12 classes may be interested in exploring the ATAR Notes TuteSmart program. Participants can pay to undertake weekly tutoring classes and private tutoring 

Year  9 – 12 


The following events provide a fantastic opportunity for students and their families to speak to representatives from a huge range of tertiary providers. At each event you can attend seminars and speak directly to organisations. You can get information on:

  • Resources for the VCE
  • Tertiary study, university, TAFE and training courses
  • Career advice
  • Study advice
  • Employment advice and opportunities
  • Apprenticeship and traineeship advice
  • International exchange and gap year programs
  • How to choose Year 10 subjects

VCE and Careers Expo 2023

Date: Thursday 4 - Saturday 6 May

Venue: Caulfield Racecourse, Caulfield 

Purchase tickets via


Note: the HSC and Careers Expo will be held in June,


Victorian Careers Show 2023

Date: Thursday 18 - Saturday 20 May

Venue: Exhibition Pavilion 1, Melbourne Show Grounds, Ascot Vale. 

Purchase tickets, via



Note: families are responsible for all costs associated with these work experience programs, including transport and accommodation. To apply, please see your work experience coordinator to discuss dates and required paper work. 


Electrical Engineering, IT &  Electrical Trades :

CitiPower and Powercorp run a work experience program called ‘Bright Sparks’ (Year 10 – 12) . The week-long program offers female-identifying and non-binary students the chance to explore what a career in electrical engineering, IT or electrical trades might look like,


Science and Mathematics (Year 9 & 10) 

Swinburne University offers week long work experience placements in the following study areas:

  • Applied Mathematics
  • Astronomy & Astrophysics
  • Biotechnology & Biochemistry

The work experience placements will be held at the Hawthorn campus,

All Students


Boost your resume, develop new skills, and showcase your talents!


High School Mocktail Film Awards:

As part of their annual Martini Film Festival & Awards, JMC Academy hosts the High School Mocktail Film Awards. To enter, you will need to submit a short film (e.g., film, documentary, animation, television commercial, film clip) by Sunday 14 May. There are amazing prizes to be won 


STUFFit Student Film Competition:

This is a film festival competition for high school students. The winner and runner-up for each category will receive an awesome piece of film equipment for their prize. Early bird applications close Wednesday 14 May


UNSW Bragg Student Prize:

This exciting competition is now open for students in Years 7 – 10. The UNSW Bragg Student Prize is a science writing prize designed to complement and enrich your science and English study. Applications close Friday 25 August



Good Education Media has developed a fantastic website that showcases the top 20 most popular trade/vocational occupations in 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. This website will be interesting to young people who are keen to follow a vocational pathway after school – you might be surprised about some of the jobs that made the list! 



For the first time, the prestigious Harvard Model UN Conference is coming to Sydney! With 1000+ Year 9-12 students expected to participate, this is an opportunity not to be missed. The event will be held between 1 – 4 June 2023. Visit the website to register your interest in this four-day event as an individual delegate. Visit for more information.

Upcoming Career Events

One of the best ways to develop ideas for occupations and courses is to participate in career events. Check the Career Newsletter for upcoming events and join social media accounts for any higher education provider or training institute you are currently interested in to ensure you are up to date with events. The following are events you may be interested in.



You can find out about careers in the Australian Defence Force through participating in free information sessions. There are sessions running at various locations across Victoria and NSW and online sessions, 



Colleges – Open House 2023

If you’re considering studying at The University of Melbourne in the future and would like to live on campus, you should consider attending Open House 2023. You will be able to tour the ten Residential Colleges and speak directly to advisers and current residents. The event will be held on Saturday 6 May 2023, 11am-4pm.



SAE is a creative media institute and has several campuses across Australia.

Create for a Day:

The Institute is opening its doors for a one-day program, designed to expand your skills and get you working on inspiring creative projects in the fields of Animation, Design, Audio, Film, Games, Music Production, and Song Writing.

The event will be held on Saturday 29 April at the Melbourne campus,


Melbourne Info Night:

Prospective students are invited to attend an info night on Thursday 4 May. You will be able to view the work of current students, speak to course advisers, and view the world class facilities at the Institute,



Talk with Industry Series

ACU is running an online ‘Talk with Industry Series’ event on 27 May: Talk with Business & IT Professions. You will hear from ACU alumni about their professional experiences after completing a business or IT degree and take part in a Q&A session with graduates to find out what your future could hold with one of these degrees. The session will be held between 6 – 7pm and is open to prospective students,


ACU Entry Pathways for Year 12 Students (Webinar)

ACU has a range of pathways and entry programs available to Year 12 students. In this webinar, the ACU Future Students team will explain the various options and the eligibility criteria for each one, and you’ll hear from current students about their journeys. The webinar will be held on Tuesday 23 May,



Collarts is a private institute that offers a wide range of creative media courses such as Animation, Comedy, Design, Film, Music, and Fashion Marketing. Collarts is running an Open Day at their Melbourne campus on Saturday 13 May 



JMC is a private institute that offers a wide range of creative media courses such as Acting, Audio Engineering, Animation, Visual Communication, Entertainment Business Management, Film, Song Writing, Music, and Games Design. The Academy is running an Open Day at their Melbourne campus on Saturday 27 May,



Students interested in studying photography in the future are invited to attend the PSC open day on Sunday 30 April at the South Melbourne campus. For information and to register your place, visit



Discover Events

The following events will be held in May. Some events will be held online, others will be held on campus

9    Discover Architecture

9    Discover Nursing & Midwifery

10  Discover Design

10  Discover Biomedical Science & Nutrition

11  Discover Science

11  Discover the Bachelor of Arts

11  Discover Fine Art & Curating

16  Discover Radiation Sciences, Radiography & Medical Imaging

17  Discover Psychology, Health Sciences & Public Health

24  Discover Information Technology

25  Discover Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Paramedicine

25  Discover Media Communications

29  Discover Education: Clayton

30  Discover Education: Peninsula

31  Discover Engineering



The following events will be held online in May,


4    Study Skills Session

10  Law Student Panel

11  Nursing, Midwifery & Health Sciences student panel

16  Medicine & Biomedicine student panel



The Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE) has several campuses across Australia.

The Academy is running an Open Day for prospective students on Saturday 13 May 2023. You will be able to discover courses designed to get you started in game development, 3D animation, film and visual effects. For information visit



How Maths + X = your dream career

Join this free webinar on Wednesday 24 May to explore how you can combine a maths degree with your ‘X’, which is your passion, another area or a big goal, for example – Maths + health. You will meet some maths stars who are changing the world with maths and data! Register via



University of Technology Sydney

The University of Technology Sydney (UTS) is running a series of exciting webinars in May, showcasing their amazing engineering and IT degrees and scholarships. These webinars are suitable for any student interested in these career areas, even if they aren’t planning to study at UTS, as they will contain industry relevant information.


1   Computing Science & Industry Degree Academy

3   Biomedical Engineering

4   Bachelor of Information Technology

8   Bachelor of Games Development

9   Data Science Engineering

10 Civil & Environmental Engineering

      Bachelor of IT Cooperative Scholarship

15  Electrical & Electronic Engineering

16  Bachelor of Information Ssystem

17  Bachelor of Artificial Intelligence

18  Software Engineering 

22  Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering

23  Women in Engineering & IT Scholarships

24  Flexible Engineering

25  Bachelor of Cyber Security

30  Chemical Process Engineering

31  Renewable Energy Engineering


Explore the webinars and register your place via



For Nursing, Midwifery & Paramedicine

If you’re currently in Year 11 or Year 12 and are considering studying nursing, midwifery, or paramedicine at university in 2024 (Year 12) or 2025 (Year 11), you may like to explore the VCE subject prerequisites for entry into courses at Victorian Universities. Interstate students can access equivalent subjects and study scores/bands via


You can download prerequisite information via


Information for the 2026 intake (current Year 10 students) will be released via the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre late Term 2 or early Term 3. 


Registered Nurses

Provide vital care and support to patients, including administering medication, monitoring vital signs, and assisting with daily activities. They work closely with doctors and other healthcare professionals to create treatment plans and ensure patients receive the best possible care. Nurses are compassionate, knowledgeable, and dedicated to helping others.



Are highly skilled healthcare professionals who provide emergency medical care to patients in critical situations. They respond quickly to emergency calls, assess the patient's condition, provide necessary treatments, and transport patients to hospitals. They are trained to handle a wide range of medical emergencies, including cardiac arrest, trauma, and respiratory distress, and work in high-pressure environments to save lives.



Are healthcare professionals who specialize in providing care and support to women during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. They monitor the health of both the mother and the baby, offer advice on nutrition and exercise, and provide emotional support throughout the entire process. Midwives aim to ensure a safe, healthy, and positive childbirth experience for both mother and baby.

Year 13 Academy

The team at the Year13 Academy have been busy developing amazing online programs designed to ignite your career interests, build your knowledge, and empower you to take charge of your future. The following two programs might interest you:


Engineer Your Future

Year13 has collaborated with Engineers Australia to develop this amazing online program. You will discover what it takes to become an engineer and explore the fascinating projects you could be working on in the future. Modules include:

  1. Designing your future.
  2. Customise your career.
  3. Getting into gear.
  4. The building blocks.

This program is essential for anyone interested in engineering. 


Cheers to Careers

This is a fantastic program that introduces you the exciting world of hospitality and events. 

Modules include:

  1. Recipe for success: explore jobs in food service.
  2. In the mix: discover roles in food and beverages.
  3. The main event: learn about working in events.
  4. Be our guest: uncover careers in accommodation.

Access the programs and modules for both the engineering and hospitality programs via the Year13 Academy


The Care & Support Sector

The Australian Government has developed an excellent website that aims to showcase careers in the care and support sector. The initiative is called ‘a life changing life’. Examples of careers include aged care, disability support, Auslan & deaf interpreters, and veteran’s care. The website contains inspiring stories from people working in various care roles, and information on education and training 

Careers Team

Careers Leader – Natasha Boyko

Neighbourhood 1 Biyala – Susan Barr

Neighbourhood 2 Dharnya – Greg Bristol

Neighbourhood 3 Bayuna – Dan Watson

Partnerships Manager – Mary-Ann Linehan

Industry Engagement Priority Cohorts Coordinator  Colleen Wilkinson