Teaching & Learning news

The WILD program has recommenced with the first excursion of the term to Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary. The original plan was stand-up paddle boarding. Due to strong winds, students were unable to make it onto the water, but explored the coastal environment and made the most of the day.
Art Club
We are starting a fortnightly art club at Richmond, which will run during lunch time on the alternate weeks to Queer Club. It is a casual artmaking space for staff and students to drop into to connect, unwind, and create. All materials are provided but people are encouraged to bring their own should they wish.
Chess Club
We are hoping to set up a casual Chess Club during recess/lunch time in the Multi-Purpose Room. Art Therapist, Kiki, is in the process of creating a poster to circulate to the Wellbeing team and to students regarding Chess Club. What this space!