Community News


“Live Your Best Life in Love”

Every relationship is a journey and the grind of everyday life can cause you to lose touch with your spouse.

This experience gives married couples the tools to keep your passion alive in a gentle, nurturing environment, away from pressures and distractions of daily living.

The weekend is based around Catholic values and couples of all faiths are welcome.

 Please check our website for more details.


Date: 28-30 April 2023 in  Melbourne

(Book early to avoid disappointment)

Information/Bookings: Phone Mercy & James 0409 183 676 or


Anglicare Victoria

Please click here to register for the information session for potential foster carers on Wednesday 5 April @ 7.30pm online via Zoom.

Waverley Cinema Pinewood

Waverley Cinema Pinewood supports ST. SIMON THE APOSTLE PRIMARY SCHOOL with weekly Encouragement Award Vouchers and the following......


[1].. Our Movie Deal Booking Portal which provides $8 tickets for all movies - all sessions.


PLUS these two fundraisers...

[2].. Children's Movie Star For a Day Birthday Party Fundraiser.

[3].. Online Movie Gift Card Fundraiser. 


Click here for more details. 


Ritchies Community Benefit Card Offer

Rowville Hawks Football

Knox Little Athletics

Bike Ed Courses by Knox City Council

Waverley Softball Association - Winter After School T-ball/Softball Competition

Stage Left Performing Arts