Religious Education - Sacramental Program 2023
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back!!!
I hope you are well rested as the year has started off with lots happening.
Our Religious Education Program has commenced with classes planning and preparing our students to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation for this year.
Our Year 3 students will receive their Sacrament of Reconciliation, Year 4 will receive their Sacrament of First Holy Communion and Year 6 will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation.
I am very happy to provide the following Sacramental dates for your records:
Sacrament of RECONCILIATION | Parents Information Meeting | Wednesday 10th May 6pm (In the Church) |
Reconciliation Service | Wednesday 24th May 6pm (In the Church) | |
Sacrament of FIRST HOLY COMMUNION | Parents Information Meeting
| Tuesday 1st August 5:30pm (In the Church) |
First Holy Communion Celebrations will be celebrated during Weekend Masses on Saturdays at 6pm and Sundays at 9am and 11am.
The dates for these weekend masses are currently as follows:
Please note: There may be changes as the year unfolds. I will be in contact soon with families regarding booking one of these dates for your Child’s First Holy Communion Celebration Mass.
Weekend Masses for First Holy Communion:
Saturday 12th (6pm Mass) and Sunday 13th August (9am and 11am Masses)
Saturday 19th (6pm Mass) and Sunday 20th August (9am and 11am Masses)
Saturday 26th (6pm Mass) and Sunday 27th August (9am and 11am Masses)
Saturday 9th (6pm Mass) and Sunday 10th September (9am and 11am Masses)
Saturday 16th (6pm Mass) and Sunday 17th September (9am and 11am Masses)
Saturday 30th (6pm Mass) and Sunday 1st October (9am and 11am Masses)
Saturday 14th (6pm Mass) and Sunday 15th October (9am and 11am Masses)
Saturday 21st (6pm Mass) and Sunday 22nd October (9am and 11am Masses)
Parent Information Meeting: Tuesday 11th July at 6pm
Retreat Day: Friday 14th July at 9am – 3pm
Confirmation Ceremonies: Wednesday 26th July at 5pm (Year 6B & Year 6R) and 7pm ( Year 6G & Year 6Y)
St Simon the Apostle School/Class Liturgies and Masses
As we commence our 2023 school Year all class levels have been allocated a Liturgy or Mass to plan and present. This is an opportunity for all our students with the guidance and support of their class teacher and myself to share their understanding of their allocated Feast Day with their families and the wider community of St Simon the Apostle. We commence our Liturgies and Masses with Ash Wednesday on Wednesday 22nd February at 9:15am in our church. Years 3 – 6 will attend the Mass while Years Prep – 2 will be involved in a classroom service, receiving their ashes from their teacher.
Dates of Liturgies and Masses for 2023:
All Masses and Liturgies held in the Church
- Whole School Mass Tuesday 7th March 9:15am (Year 6 Leaders and SRC Leaders will receive their Badges during this mass)
- Alleluia Day Liturgy Friday 28th April 2:30pm (Year 3 Level)
- Mother’s Day Liturgy Friday 12th May 2:30pm (Year 5 Level)
- The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Mass Friday 16th June 9:15am (Year 6 RE Leaders and Mrs Carvalho)
- Grandparents Day (Sts Anne and Joachim) Liturgy Wednesday 26th July 11:30am – 1pm (Year 1 Level)
- 100 Days of Prep Liturgy Friday 4th August 2:30pm (Prep Level)
- Mary MacKillop Mass Tuesday 8th August 9:15am (Year 6 RE Leaders and Mrs Carvalho)
- Father’s Day Liturgy Friday 1st September 2:30pm (Year 4 Level)
- St Simon the Apostle Feast Day Mass Friday 27th October 9:15am (Year 6 Level)
- Remembrance Day Liturgy Friday 10th November 2:30pm (Year 2 Level)
- Week 1 Advent Liturgy Friday 1st December 2:30pm (Year 3 Level)
Week 2 Advent Liturgy Tuesday 5th December 2:30pm (Year 6 Level)
Week 3 Advent Liturgy Friday 8th December 2:30pm (Year 5 Level)
Week 4 Advent Liturgy Monday 11th December 2:30pm (Year 4 Level) - Year 6 Graduation Mass Thursday 14th December 6pm
- Thanksgiving Mass Wednesday 13th December 9:15am (Year 6 RE Leaders and Mrs Carvalho)
Please keep reviewing our weekly newsletter and checking Operoo/emails as more information will be sent out throughout the year. Thanking you always for your support and connection with our Religious Education Program.
Yours truly
Hedy Carvalho
Deputy Principal / Religious Education Leader