Students of the Week

The following students will receive their certificates at assemblies on the following dates:

Friday 5th May

Aislen H-F (Foundation) - For being helpful, for showing respect towards others and being kind. Aislin is a delight to teach. Thank you Aislin, I have enjoyed teaching you.

Aso G (12A) -  For always using her manners in class and being an active participant in every class conversation and learning task. Keep up the great work! 

William B (12B) - for trying your personal best in class this term. It has been great to see you give tasks a go and persevere when they were challenging. Proud of your efforts Will!

Jayden S (34A) - for all the hard work he puts into everything he attempts and the sense of humour he brings into the classroom every day!

Rachel (34B)  - For being such a trooper throughout our swimming lessons. Rachel never complains to her teachers about things she is required to do daily. She has also been a great chicken monitor.

Wally  V (34C) - for showing great focus during mini lessons and independent work. I am so impressed with how you have started Term 2. Well done, Wally!

Gabriel L (56A) - consistently doing his best on all learning tasks and conscientiously going about his work!! 

Kaden A (56B) - For writing a wonderful narrative in term 1 and making an excellent start in term 2. You are making good learning choices and are increasingly task focused and learning to avoid distractions. Well done Kaden, you are taking positive steps in a great direction. 



Friday 12th May

Isabella S (Foundation) - For being a kind, caring and helpful student. Isabella is a delight to teach and completes her work to an excellent standard. Thank you Isabella.

Lyle T (12A) - For developing a more responsible attitude in both the classroom and play yard. You are making great choices. Well done, keep it up. I'm proud of you!! 

Reuben V (12B) - for taking on the extra challenge to show us your skills in our maths lessons. Reuben showed great perseverance while extending himself to skip-count by 3s to 100. Keep up the great work!

Isabella H (34A) - for continually bei a responsible learner, a respectful member of the MPS community and an inclusive friend to everyone in the grade!

Pen W (34B)  -  for being such a friendly class member. Pen enjoys a good giggle with her teachers and peers. Thank you for sharing with us what makes you wonderful.

Hannah D (34C) - for being a polite and kind member of our class. You always use your manners and treat others with respect. Great job, Hannah!

Penny Mc (56A) - being a caring member of our class, who is always looking out for others!!

Thomas S (56B) For demonstrating excellence in his attitude to learning. Thomas consistently produces work that is over a personal best standard and is always ready to contribute to class discussions. Great work Tom, thank you for your effort and contributions.