School News

Cross Country

 House Cross Country is  Thursday May 18th in the first two sessions. 9-11 am approximately. The event will run from 9.15 am to 10.45am. . This event is always a fun, sporting, cheerful, healthy event for the students. The students can gain points for their house. It is a great opportunity for students to achieve their Personal Best. Selected age group 9/10/11/12/13 students will be able to complete at District Athletics held on Wednesday May 24th at Quambee Reserve. Please make sure you get onto compass and give permission for your child to attend. I have attach a map of the course. Please note age group 5/6/7 run approximately 1 km, age group 9/ 10 approximately 2 km and age group 11/12/13 approximately 3 km. The students will be running in the school grounds and the surrounding streets. I am in need of parent helpers to help out on the course in directing students the correct route and at the finishing line. If anyone is available please email me .If on the day you discover are able to help out please meet at school at 8.30 am onwards in the undercover area and I will allocate positions. The cross country will go ahead even if it is raining it will not be called off unless it is lightening and thundering. Let’s hope the weather holds off and we have a fantastic morning of fun, fitness and excitement. 

If you are manning a position please wear appropriate clothing, umbrella and a chair. Thank you for your help and support in advance.


For students new the school our four houses and colours 








Yours in fitness.  Bonny Chisholm: PE Specialist.







Camps, Sports, Excursions Fund

For those families who have a current Health Care Card in the name of a parent/guardian, you are entitled to $125 from the Camps, Sports, Excursions Fund.  If you have received this through MPS previously and your details are unchanged you do not have to submit an new form.


For those who are new to MPS or have changed details since last year, please fill out the attached form and return to the school office as soon as possible.  Hard copy forms are available at the office also.