Principal's Report

Sharon Jacobs - Acting Principal

Welcome Back

It was wonderful last Wednesday to see the students so keen to return to school.  So many bright faces and lovely smiles.  Over the holiday break we have had some minor works completed around the school including the amazing soft-fall mulch underneath the playground equipment - a big thank you to Elise Jaacks' dad and his work company, Eco Dynamics for their discounted price and labour.  The plumbers were here clearing all the leaf litter off the building rooves and fixing some water leaks.  A few teachers were here joining me for meetings and even a lovely parent who was invigorating the garden beds with some plants.


I am delighted to announce some new faces around the school beginning with Mrs. Scarbro who is teaching Science/STEM this term.  Miss Miller, ES who is working in 5/6A and Miss Taylor, ES who is working in Foundation.  A big MPS welcome to you!   I'm thrilled to advise that Mrs. Lindsay is now teaching in 1/2B on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.  Presently I am in the process of recruiting a teacher for Tuesdays and Wednesdays.










This week has begun with a very successful start to the Swimming Program and lots of

 excited children wearing their bathers under their school uniform.  Aquanation run a

 great program engaging the students in swimming lessons and water safety.  Thank you to Miss Cronin and Mr. Moore for organising this event.




2024 Foundation enrolments have now opened.  There has been a lot of interest in MPS with school tour bookings.  Open Night (17th May from 5-7 pm) during Education Week is shaping up to be a wonderful celebration of all that Marlborough Primary School has to offer.   Each family will be given a passport which they will have stamped when they visit each learning unit and successfully attempt each of the 5 activities.  At the end of the night the completed passport can be handed in for an entry in the draw to be conducted at our next assembly.


The 2024 Foundation transition timeline is as follows:

  • 1st Transition Day - 11th October
  • 2nd Transition Day - 18th October 
  • 3rd Transition Day - 25th October
  • 4th Transition Day - 1st November
  • 5th Transition Day - 22nd November
  • Step Up Day & Year 6 Orientation Day - 12th December

Last week Year 6 to Year 7 placement information packs were sent home to families of Year 6 students.



Level newsletters will be going home this week as a means of keeping families updated with their child/ren's learning and events.  Please remember to check your emails and Compass news feeds for any information.  Apart from the i-newsletter this is the platform we use for communication.


Grant Applications

Some exciting news to share with the community is our application for a new front playground under the Stronger Communities Program.  The SCP provides grants of between $2,500 and $20,000 to community organisations and local governments for small capital projects that deliver social benefits for local communities.

The next grant we have applied for is an Artist Proposal to co-create two beautiful and educational murals that celebrate the local environment and inspire students to appreciate and protect the natural world around them.  The project aims to involve the students in the design process and work with our art teacher, Mrs. Seregin.  

Fingers crossed both applications are successful!


So many great things are happening at our school.  Marlborough Primary School is certainly the "place to be".


Kind regards

Sharon Jacobs, your Acting Principal.