
Save the Date for our first: 
Community Conversation Circle ; Thursday, May 25th

School is Better when your Child is Here

Going to school every day is the most important part of your child’s education. There are no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind and can affect their educational outcomes and their social connectedness. The best thing you can do is support your child to get to school every day.

A positive attitude towards school, healthy habits and routines, and parental involvement can support your child’s regular school attendance and prevent chronic absence patterns.

Positive Behaviours for Learning - PBL



Sam is our school mascot for PBL.

Sam encourages the students to be a STAR …

Show Respect

Take Responsibility

Always be


These will be explicitly taught during Wellbeing Hour & revisited throughout the days.

It would be great if you could also reinforce these expectations at home and ask your child/children how they are following these at school.

Student Leaders News: Upcoming Events

Casual Clothes Day May 26th

Winter Appeal starting Week 7. More info to follow.






Feel free to email me at: shenderson@olscwyn.catholic.edu.au or call the school office if you have any concerns or need help at any time.


