STEM Academy

Applied Science

The students in our Year 10 Applied Science class have enjoyed designing items using CAD software. They have explored the design software and experimented with 3D printing. After their designs were completed the class walked to our KIOSC campus and 3D-printed their objects. All have produced some great items. 


Fairhills High School was represented in the First Lego League Tournament by the following students:  


Troy Ayling

Riley Colcott

Michael Cotter

Alyssa Hartnett

Chandra Rajamuniandi

Michael Thomson

Mykl Van Egmond

Jesse Elderhorst

These students built and programmed the amazing robots to complete a series of challenges. Well done.


What's New

An autonomous car (driverless car, self-driving car, robotic car) is a vehicle that is capable of sensing its environment and navigating without human input. Autonomous cars can detect surroundings using a variety of techniques such as radar, lidar, GPS, odometry, and computer vision.


It is predicted that driverless cars will result in far fewer car accidents, as most accidents occur due to driver error. 

Many cities around the word are testing fully driverless cars - Hong Kong, Singapore, Adelaide to name a few. In Pittsburgh there is a whole UBER fleet being tested. 



  • NuTonomy to provide self-driving taxi services in Singapore by 2018, expand to 10 cities around the world by 2020
  • Volkswagen expects first self driving cars on the market by 2019
  • GM: Autononomous cars could be deployed by 2020 or sooner
  • Ford CEO announces fully autonomous vehicles for mobility services by 2021
  • BMW to launch autonomous iNext in 2021



Michelle Nickels

Director of Data and Reporting