From the Office

Semester 2 Reports
Students in Year 7 – 9 will receive their reports at the end of the day on Tuesday, 13th December – this is their last formal day of school for 2016. Dismissal time is 3.05pm.
The last week of Term 4 is an Independent Study Week
From Wednesday 14th December till Tuesday 20th December 2016, students can work on the subject assignments set during the SmartStart Program either at home or at school where they will be supervised by replacement teachers. No formal timetable will be in operation.
Our staff will use the time to continue their Professional Learning and planning for the Teaching and Learning Program in 2017.
Arrangements for the beginning of the school year
The Office will open for business on:
- Wednesday 25th January and on Friday 27th January - 9am-4pm
- normal hours from Monday 30th January - 8.30am–4.30pm
Uniform Shop will be open on:
- Wednesday 25th January - 12noon – 6pm
- Monday 30th January - 12 noon – 6pm
- every Wednesday for the remainder of the term from 12noon – 4pm
LINK BOOKS will be at school on:
- Monday 30th January - 2pm–5pm for the collection of books which were ordered on-line
2017 Invoices
2017 Invoices were issued to students at the start of this term. Many parents have already returned them, clearly indicating how and when they intend paying the various costs. If you haven’t yet returned the invoice for your student, please do so as soon as possible.
(CSEF - Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund arrangements for 2017)
If you applied successfully for the fund in 2016, and your circumstances haven’t altered, you will not need to submit an application form for 2017. Year 7 families, new families to the school and any families who have become eligible for the fund can pick up an application form from the school office - or print one from the website
Term Dates for 2017
Term 1: 31 January to 31 March 2017
Term 2: 18 April to 30 June 2017
Term 3: 17 July to 22 September 2017
Term 4: 9 October to 22 December 2017
Student Attendance
Please clear any unexplained absences your students may have – either by logging on to COMPASS or by calling the Absence Hot Line on 9758 5022 and leaving details about the name of the student, the date of the absence and the reason.
If you are looking to sell or buy secondhand school uniform items, textbooks and musical instruments please download the clk2sell mobile App. This App will allow parents to upload photos of school clothing, textbooks or instruments they wish to sell. These items are then listed, together with the price, size and contact detail, under the school name. Buyers make contact via the service, and the transactions are completed offline. See the attachment on how to download and use the App.
Asthma update
As part of Fairhills High Schools commitment to meeting our legislative requirements and the Schools Policy Advisory Guide, we require you to provide us with an updated Asthma Action Plan for your child.
Below are the new Asthma Action Plans for Victorian Schools.
If your child's medication has changed since their Action Plan was last updated please contact their medical practitioner, so they can download the appropriate Asthma Action Plan to complete.
Once completed could you please return this to us prior to Term 1 commencement with any medication and any other device aid.
Other Medical Details
If your student has a medical alert for:
the school MUST be supplied with a Management Plan - available from the appropriate website or from the school office.
Immunization Records
Immunization records are NOT kept at school. Please call KNOX COUNCIL Health Department if you need to check immunization details for your students.
Lost Property
If your student has misplaced anything at school – please ask that they check at the School Office!
Items NOT collected by the end of the school year will be disposed of.
SCHOOL UNIFORMS which are named are returned to the students as soon as they are handed in (please check that YOUR student has his / her name clearly marked on each item of school uniform).
Contact Details
Remember to update your contact details with the office if you change phone numbers, address, place of employment. We MAY need to contact you in the case of an emergency.