Other Information

Limited spots for March Training!
Our training sessions for the March 2020 are filling fast! There are limited spots available so make sure you register now to avoid disappointment!
Public Interest Disclosure Update
Date: Thursday, 19 March 2020
Time: Lunchtime session 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Location: Our office, Level 9/99 William Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000
Privacy half day intensive session
Date: Thursday, 5 March 2020
Time: 9:00am - 1:00pm
Location: Our office, Level 9/99 William Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000
FOI and Privacy Intensive 2020 (Rural Victoria Sessions)
Bendigo- 12 March 2020
Shepparton- 18 March 2020
Mildura- date to be confirmed
Wodonga- 16 April 2020
Geelong- date to be confirmed
Morewell- date to be confirmed
Ballarat- date to be confirmed
More information about training sessions can be found on our website.
Annual VCAT case summaries
If you want an easy and concise way of understanding how FOI, privacy and health privacy is dealt with at VCAT, take advantage of our VCAT Annual Case Summaries!
Our experienced staff have been preparing VCAT summaries since 2004. The summaries are designed to assist agencies understand current trends in how VCAT deals with FOI, privacy and health privacy related matters.
For more information or to purchase the 2019 summaries visit our website or contact our office on (03) 9601 4111 or email marketing@foisolutions.com.au.
NOTE: Our office also prepares monthly VCAT case summaries if you want to keep up to date on an ongoing basis rather than waiting to end of the year. If this service suits you more please register your interest.