From the Executive Director

New website launching soon
Our long-awaited new web site will be launching within the next few weeks. It will:
- enable interested clients to register online for our training seminars, all day training sessions and conferences
- provide links to our most recent newsletters and important updates
- provide an online date calculator to help you work out when FOI decisions are due or review periods run out
- provide information about or firm, our lawyers and their expertise in a wide range of government law beyond FOI and Privacy.
Once the site is launched, we would welcome any feedback or comments.
Pro bono commitment
As most of our clients are aware, our firm is an approved legal services provider on the State and Commonwealth Legal Services Panels in administrative/government law areas. They include FOI, privacy, public interest disclosures, tribunal review, judicial review, etc.
As part of our pro bono commitment under those arrangements we have:
- sent to all community legal services in Victoria a free copy of our 2020 Annual VCAT Privacy and FOI Case Summaries;
- committed to conducting a pro bono training session to community legal centres or services in rural Victorian centres. Training in Bendigo and Shepparton has been confirmed and potential training is being explored with legal services in Wodonga, Ballarat, Geelong and Gippsland.
Supporting our rural clients
Connected to the pro bono training referred to above, we will be taking the opportunity to conduct an all day FOI and Privacy intensive in rural Victoria during 2020. This comprises a full day program made up of 5 popular FOI and privacy sessions:
- Recent trends in the personal affairs exemption
- FAQs on 3rd party consultation
- FOI Professional Standards: are you ready?
- Privacy outline and refresher
- Data breach notification
Dates are confirmed in Bendigo (12 March), Shepparton (18 March) and Wodonga (16 April). We are also hoping to hold sessions in Mildura, Geelong, Gippsland and Ballarat. To book a current session, register interest for a future session, or for more information, click here.