NAPLAN testing for students in years 7 and 9 will happen between 9th and 19th May. NAPLAN testing is important as it helps parents, carers and educators to see if children are meeting important numeracy and literacy standards. It is used to support school improvement processes by enabling teachers to monitor their students’ progress over time and to identify areas of strength and development.
This year, NAPLAN testing will occur online. This means that the testing period is longer to ensure network access is available to all students sitting the tests.
Some of the main benefits of students taking part in NAPLAN Online include:
- Better assessment – and more precise results. NAPLAN Online uses a tailored test or adaptive design, where the test automatically adapts to a student's performance and asks questions that match the student achievement level, allowing the student to demonstrate their knowledge. This provides teachers and schools with more targeted and detailed information on students’ performance on the tests. Tailored testing also provides an opportunity to broaden the scope of the assessments.
- Faster turnaround of results. Delivery of assessments online significantly reduces the time it takes to provide feedback to schools, students and parents, so teachers can respond more quickly to learning needs.
- More engaging. ACARA research into online assessment has shown that students have engaged well with electronic tests.
Further information regarding the timing of the assessments for individual classes will be provided nearer the testing period.
Any student wishing to practice using the online system prior to the assessment dates can access a trial site at:
Students have been taken through this site in class during last week.
Any parent wishing to discuss their child’s participation in NAPLAN testing can contact the school
Leading Teacher P&D (Numeracy)