SEAL Information Night

SEAL Information Night
Current primary school students and parents are welcome to join us at our SEAL Information Night on Wednesday 19th of April 2017 from 6pm - 6.30pm. The Select Entry Accelerated Learning (SEAL) Program is designed to cater for gifted, talented and high-achieving students. It operates on the principles of Curriculum Acceleration and Enrichment. Staughton College is the only accredited secondary school to provide the SEAL program in the Outer-Western suburban corridor covering Melton, Bacchus Marsh, Caroline Springs and Gisborne.
The Select Entry Accelerated Learning (SEAL) Program –
- A strong and supportive learning environment.
- High expectations of all members of the College community.
- Member of the Academy of Accredited Select Entry Accelerated Learning Schools for gifted and talented students.
- High student satisfaction, attendance and VCE median study scores.
Try - Persevere - Achieve
For further information, contact:
SEAL Applicants: Ms Clancy
Phone: 9743 4622
SEAL Testing for 2018
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