The Music Program

Celebrating Term 1
This term, 90 students enrolled in Instrumental Music lessons at the college, and we’d like to celebrate their hard work, diligence and enthusiasm. At Staughton College, students can choose to learn from a variety of instruments, including brass, woodwind, violin, guitar, keyboard, drums and voice. This term has seen the highest rate in attendance so far – an amazing 98%! Well done to our 2017 Instrumental Music students for this fantastic effort.
Students of the Month – February and March
February’s Student of the Month was awarded to Jake Vidgen (12) due to his enthusiastic attitude towards lessons and active participation in two events, The S Factor and the Year 7 BBQ. Jake has also shown great leadership qualities towards our younger students. Nice work, Jake!
Our Student of the Month for March is David McAllister (8) for his dedication to practising his clarinet during the holiday break. His teacher, Brett Evans, is always impressed by David’s continual improvement across his lessons. We hope all students will practice their instruments as much as David. What an awesome effort!
Term 2 Events
In the last week of next term, we’ll be running Music Week. This involves a series of activities celebrating the history, culture, and enjoyment of music. Music Week also includes our annual Mid-Year Music Concert, a huge night of student performances for parents, staff and friends. This year’s Music Concert will be on Thursday, June 29th in the Multi.
Term 2 Enrolments
Term 2 timetables will be released in the first week back. If your child is interested in joining the program next term, please see the front office or go on our website for an application form. Enrolments for Term 2 close on Friday, Week 4.
Stay tuned for more from Staughton College’s Music Program!
Instrumental Music Coordinator