Junior Tutoring, HWC and WAR

Junior Tutoring
Staughton College offers additional tutoring sessions in Mathematics and English for all students from years 7, 8 and 9. In these sessions, students have the opportunity to work one on one with teachers and student mentor tutors.
This is a fantastic opportunity for students to seek additional help and extension in these core subjects. Junior Tutoring runs every Tuesday between 3:15 pm and 4:00 pm. Math tutoring is located in C2, and English tutoring in M6.
Attending tutoring counts towards your child’s attendance and taking advantage of this extra support can be helpful in improving your child’s learning progress.
Homework Club
Homework Club sessions provide an opportunity for students who require additional time to complete their homework tasks and to improve their attendance by counting as a make-up towards missed classes. Students may either ask their teachers to be booked into homework club, or be approached by their teachers to attend. For their attendance to count, students must ensure that they are completing work throughout the session. Homework Club runs each afternoon from Monday to Thursday in the library. Homework Club starts at 3:20 pm and ends 4:00 pm.
For further information please contact either Brooke Martinuzzo or Katherine Lofts directly at the school.
In order to better prepare our Year 10 students for VCE or VCAL pathways, Year 10’s will now do WAR (which was previously only for Year 11 and 12’s), instead of Homework Club (HWC).
WAR stands for Work and Attendance Redemption, and is the senior school equivalent of HWC. This will enable Year 10's to see firsthand how VCE students work and independently study, give them more time to complete tasks as WAR runs until 4.30 and be in a more focused environment. WAR is on Monday to Thursday in D12.
For further information please contact either Katherine Lofts or Sarah McLachlan.
Learning Coordinators