Principal's Report

Growth Mindset and Respect
In the first of my Principal Reports for 2017, I explained that we would particularly be focusing on two areas in Term 1. These were:
- Respecting all members of the school community
- Growth mindset
I am pleased with the growth in positive relationships between students, parents, and staff. These relationships are a key to us working effectively in partnership to ensure students have a successful experience at Staughton. I have seen this in many individual situations as well as at events such as the Year 7 Barbecue and Cultural Diversity week. I would like to congratulate staff, students, and parents for their commitment to this.
We are continuing to work on growth mindset. Having a growth mindset means that you believe your ability is not fixed. You believe you can develop with effort, the right strategies, and help when you need it. I believe that we have seen some improvement across the board in learning effort. I encourage parents to make this a focus of their conversations at the Parent-Teacher-Student conferences on Tuesday, the 2nd of May.
In 2017, Staughton will be undergoing its School Review. Every government school in Victoria undergoes this review process every four years. As part of the process, I will be asking for parent input at the upcoming Parent-Teacher-Student conferences. All parents in attendance will be asked to fill out a short survey about school successes, challenges, and possible next steps for the college. School Council will also be involved in this feedback process. As a relatively new Principal, I look forward to this process as an opportunity to further refine the continued improvement of Staughton College.
Key Dates
The key dates for Term 2 are listed below. I have also sent all families a copy in the interim reports that you will receive shortly.
18th April – 30th Jun
Key Dates
Easter Monday Holiday: Monday 17th April
Student Free Day: Friday 21st April
Anzac Day Holiday: Tuesday 25th April
Parent Teacher Student Conferences: Tuesday 2nd May
Athletics Carnival: Friday 26th May
Queen’s Birthday Holiday: Monday 12th June
Early Dismissal at 12.50pm: Thursday 29th June