
Dear Parents/Carers/Staff amd Students

Windsor Gardens Exchange

Sunday June 25th will see the Windsor Gardens Exchange team leave for South Australia for the commencement of this year’s sporting and cultural exchange.  Parents/Carers who have been part of the Cheltenham Secondary College community in previous years will know what a great event this is, with many students involved in a wide range of sporting and cultural activities.  Training has been happening for some time already and there is a real sense of anticipation as the exchange week approaches.  Our team will be competing hard to both retain and regain the honours associated with this event.

Thanks to Ross Slater, our Windsor Gardens Exchange Co-ordinator and all of the staff for their work in preparing the Cheltenham Windsor Gardens team this year.  The tradition continues ……………….


Year 10 and 11 exams started on Tuesday this week and will continue on Tuesday 13th June followed by catch up exams on the afternoon of Wednesday 14th June and Thursday 15th June.

The General Achievement Test (GAT) for all students doing a unit 3/4 subject will be held on Wednesday 14th June from 10.00am to 1.15pm.  I am sure all our students will achieve the results they deserve.

Thanks to Brett Younger and his team for organising, supervising and making sure all the exams and the GAT run smoothly.

Reminders – Pupil Free Day and Early Dismissal

  • Monday 12th June is the Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday and Friday June 16th is a pupil free day.  Students are not required at school on this day.
  • There is an early dismissal day coming up.  Friday June 30th (end of term).  Students will be dismissed at 2.30pm after working their usual six periods (recess, lunchtime and each period will be shortened slightly).


Please do not drive onto college grounds when visiting the school as there is very limited parking space. Of course there will be exceptions to this when you are picking up injured or sick students from the office during the school day. Then it is permitted to drive up to the office area for easier access.

If you have to drive into the grounds at any time, please observe the speed limit of 5KPH.  The speed limit sign is displayed at the second set of gates.

Parents are not permitted to drop off or pick up students inside the school grounds before or after school. There are designated drop off zones in Bernard Street.

Parents should be aware that police and Kingston Council traffic officers are often patrolling the area in front of the school looking out for individuals who run red lights, travel above the regulation 40KPH during specified hours or park in non-approved areas.

There are also NO U-TURNS allowed in front of the College

Our College values are Personal Best, Respect, Responsibility and Sense of Community. We expect all members of our community to reflect these values in all interactions. Aggressive, rude or violent behaviour will not be accepted at our College

Jason Bek


Pastoral Care

Parents and students are reminded to read through the page 3 introduction of why we are doing pastoral care this year at all year levels. Parents/guardians and family members are encouraged to do the weekly activities as well. The “Character Strengths’ survey is  a great way to start!

And remember “it is the frequency of positive emotion, not its intensity, which builds wellbeing” and the research suggests that “the greatest effect size in improving students’ learning outcomes is them self-assessing, self-reporting and setting expectations” which is one of the main goals of the Learning Curve Program. Enjoy!

Adam Collings

Assistant Principal

CSEF (Camps, Sport & Excursion Fund)

Any families who have yet to apply for CSEF (Camps, Sport & Excursion Fund) need to do so as soon as possible.

Forms are available from the Office as well as on-line at our website…..

Closing date is Friday 30 June 2017

Darryl Hunt

Business Manager