Early Learning


In the Kooramook group we have been very interested in Snails! We are lucky (some might disagree) to have a vibrant Snail population living in some of our Kinder bushes, and early in the term the children were finding and observing them. 


Initially some children drew pictures of Snails, and noticed that the Snails were also making art with their slime! Phoebe asked how to sign her work "me and the Snail" because the Snail had added some slime to her drawing. Children shared some questions about Snails and we investigated these through observation and asking questions. Children are learning that they can learn from each other, and that they can contribute their ideas and knowledge.


To investigate this interest further, we used loose parts and materials to imagine what life as a Snail might involve. In this play world we aimed to solve the problem of what was wrong with our Snails, as they had not come out of their shells for a few days. We wondered how they were feeling? Children thought they were feeling nervous, messy and sad. By pretending to be Snails, the children thought they might need some fruit and water. Maybe they didn't like the leaves we had given them from the garden? We learned that Snails really like to eat grapes! Imagining life as a Snail also gave children some insight into why Snails go in their shells. Children thought they could be sad, or they could be wanting a bit of space.


In consideration of space, children were invited to plan a habitat for a Snail. They then used their plans to create the most amazing Snail habitat that has probably ever existed! Our Snails have a bed with a blanket and pillow, two trampolines, monkey bars, a stage for when they want to perform, a place to hide, a dish of water that doubles as a swimming pool, and a food dish that they can get to by crossing a bridge from their bed.


The Possum children show a great capacity to care for their environment, and also for each other. This love and care is an important part of the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework, as well as our Christian culture at King's College, where Christ is at the centre, holding all we do together and giving it purpose and reason. 


"Do everything in love" - 1 Corinthians 16:14


Beth Parker

Head of Early Learning

Koalas & Wombats

The first few weeks of 3YO Kinder have passed very quickly! For many children, beginning Kinder is their first experience of care and education outside of the home. As such, we are very proud of the way the children in the Koala and Wombat groups are settling in and participating in the program with enthusiasm. The children are starting to become familiar with the routine of a Kinder day and are beginning to be able to predict what activity comes next. Fruit snack and lunch are always firm favourite events!


We have been fortunate to experience lots of outdoor play at Kinder due to the lovely weather. The children have enjoyed the trikes, swings, climbing equipment, waterplay and play in the sandpit and mud kitchen. During indoor play, the children have had the opportunity to engage in painting, craft, play with playdough, imaginative play, books and puzzles. Group times, where we gather in a circle on the mat, have been an enjoyable time to read, sing and share together. The children have been learning the names of their peers through regular singing of the Hello song at group time.


It is lovely to see the children making choices in their play and gaining independence and confidence as they practice self-help skills, such as managing their own belongings and going to the bathroom independently. We look forward to continuing getting to know each of the children and their families in our groups and facilitating the children’s learning through play.


Anna Chen & Hayley Pallister

Early Learning Teachers


The Echidna Group has been sharing in a lot of imaginative play around caregiver and family roles. In particular they share an interest in babies. 


This week, we had a special Mystery Guest visit us at Kinder: Mrs. Pallister brought baby Gabriel in for his bath and lunch. She showed the group how to care for and wash a real baby. Izekiah and Bailey took turns to comb Gabe's hair after his bath. There were lots of cuddles for Gabe, who seemed to enjoy his time at Kinder! 


Our interest in caregiving roles has extended to a Kinder clinic, where lots of needles, yucky medicine and bandages are given out to patients. The children have learned about washing hands correctly to help keep each other healthy and reduce our exposure to germs.


We have listened to Jesus' parable about the Good Samaritan, and the children were asked "what would you do if you were playing and saw someone get hurt? How might you help them? What if it was someone you don't know very well?" The children agreed that they would stop and help by telling a teacher, or asking them if they need some help. Jesus encourages and expects us to be kind towards others, even those we may never have played with before.


Sian Duggan

Early Learning Teacher