Religious Education and Social Justice

A Prayer for Our School


Almighty God

We give you our school.

We give you all the teachers and staff 

who work here,

We give you all the children who learn here.

We pray our school will be a place of great discovery, adventure and creativity.

May it be a place where we love to learn and where we learn to love,

A place where everyone is respected 

and all are deeply valued.

We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord.





2023 Sacrament dates

For your future planning, the proposed dates for our Sacraments in 2023 are as follows:


Sacrament of Confirmation (Year 6): 

Sunday 30th April 11:00 am


Sacrament of the Eucharist (Year 3):

Sunday 18th June 11:00 am


Sacrament of Reconciliation (Year 2):

Tuesday 17th October 6:30 pm


Wishing everyone a very happy and safe year.


Jane Wilkinson

Religious Education Leader