Community News

School Photo Day
It's that time of year!
MSS school photos will take place on Monday 6th March. Please do your best to ensure your young person has a clean uniform. If you require any new uniform please contact the office.
If your young person is absent on this day, there will be a make up session two weeks later on Monday 20th March.
Uniform Shop
Uniform ordering is still operating as usual. Orders can be placed at any time either through the admin office, or by submitting an order through your young persons diary.
You can find the order form here:
10.-Uniform-Order-Form-Oct-2022.pdf (
Please be aware we aim to fill uniform orders on Thursdays but this is subject to change when admin have staff absences. Please keep this in mind when requesting uniform. Admin staff are unable to pack orders on the spot - especially during pick up and drop off times (the busiest times of our day).
Payments accepted are correct cash, or bank transfer. For bank transfers, funds must clear before we can handover goods.